Best professional body scrub (natural and exfoliating)

After identifying the best face scrub Let's move on to the body. Yes, because the skin of the body must also be exfoliated and it is important to do it with the right products and with all the necessary attention.

Exfoliation, in fact, is a key step in a body skin healthy and bright. That's why we take you to discover the best professional body scrub, pointing you to natural and exfoliating alternatives also indicated for the sensitive skins.

Although every skin has its own needs, there are tips that can work for all types, which is why it is important to learn how to recognize the best scrub.

What the body scrub is for

If you are wondering. what is the body scrub for we are here to give you an in-depth answer. Always remember that the skin will constantly regenerates and this results in a accumulation of dead cells That can occlude follicles.

This accumulation not only makes the dull, uneven skin and opaque, but it also causes the keratosis pilaris. A scrub is the product of choice if you have such a problem. Keratosis is a very common skin condition that occurs on the arms, thighs, buttocks, and cheeks and is manifested by small spots caused by accumulations of keratin.

Although the appearance is very similar to that of pimples, the Keratosis pilaris greatly improves with exfoliation. Be careful, however, because you need to exfoliate gently to avoid further irritating the skin. In such cases you should avoid overly aggressive scrubs and moisturize the skin well to maintain the skin's water balance.

The body scrub serves, therefore, to regenerate the skin and to improve its appearance. Those who use exfoliating products, chosen with care and attention, can have a bright and tight skin and also maintain a more youthful appearance.

The benefits of a professional body scrub

Among the first benefits of a professional body scrub we find, therefore, that of improve the appearance of the skin. Often, whether in summer or winter, we have drier and rougher body areas, which require a good dose of exfoliation and of hydration (read our guide on the best body moisturizer for dry skin).

Using a scrub regularly can also help to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, two proteins that contribute to theskin elasticity. This helps to Prevent or reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Other benefits of scrub include. improvement of circulation. The way to apply this product, with slow, circular movements, Stimulates local blood circulation.

The scrub serves, therefore, to regenerate the skin of the body and improve its appearance and texture. In addition, this product also allows you to prepare the skin For subsequent treatments.

This means that improves the absorption of body creams and other products you can apply to the skin.

These are just a few of the benefits of body scrubs, but it is important to understand that your skin is in dire need of exfoliation with the right products and at the right frequency so that it always looks great.

How to choose the best exfoliating body scrub

As always, the choosing the best exfoliating body scrub cannot be left to chance. The many benefits of this product can only be obtained in case you go for the right product.

This means that before you proceed with your purchase, you need to read our advice and learn how to evaluate consistency, composition, and size of the exfoliating grains.

There are so many scrubs and exfoliating body products But not everyone is the same. Understand How to choose the best body scrub is important, and following these directions will enable you to purchase the right product.

The first suggestion is to read the label and the scrub composition. Search products with natural ingredients and free of irritating chemicals such as parabens, sulfates or artificial fragrances.

Favor ingredients such as the sea salt, the bamboo balls, the rice or lo sugar. The exfoliating part is very important and should not be too aggressive for the skin, but well balanced and integrated within the INCI.

Products such as the Vulcan Mud by Panarea Water can be a good solution for any skin type. It is a body scrub which has within it, among other ingredients, some volcanic mud That have a very good effect on the skin.

Volcano Mud: body scrub with illuminating volcanic mud

This brightening body scrub works by removing the dead cells and the impurities that are deposited on the skin of our body, giving a glowing appearance and improved texture.

The result is possile thanks to a'nourishing and emollient action Of the ingredients in the product. In it there are, in fact, 3 exfoliating particles that work synergistically because of the different textures.

We find the salt of Sicily, the bamboo microspheres and the rice powder. These are complemented by the presence of activated vegetable carbon that goes to rebalance the skin along with a hyaluronic acid complex, which instead acts on hydration.

Just hydration is always essential after a scrub, because the skin undergoes a little trauma and needs to be immediately hydrated and nourished. The product is very comprehensive and allows you to optimize the application of subsequent treatments as well.

If you have specific needs, such as treating keratosis pilaris or body acne, you can choose a professional scrub designed for these problems. In fact, in some cases, exfoliation products. contain salicylic acid Or other anti-acne agents.

Of course, the following are also important in choosing the best product reviews. Always read the impressions of those who have tried and used the scrub you like best, so you can evaluate its performance. Although each skin has a story of its own, this practice can help you in your choice.

How to use body scrub

The correct use of body scrub is essential to achieve the maximum benefits for the skin and to avoid irritation or damage. A body scrub is a product designed to exfoliate the skin, removing the dead cells and the surface impurities.

Before understanding how to use body scrub it is important to remember that you need to choose a product that suits your skin type. You can find scrubs with larger or smaller granules, depending on your preference and the needs of your skin. For example, if you have sensitive skin, opt for a scrub with fine granules.

Getting to the heart of the matter, before applying the scrub we advise you to take a hot shower or a bathroom for soften the skin. The warm water opens the pores, facilitating the action of the product. Before making a scrub is a real panacea that you should never give up, even in terms of relaxation.

At this point you can move on to theproduct application. Take a small amount of body scrub in wet hands and apply the product to the damp skin.

Focus on areas such as. arms, legs, back or chest e Massages the skin in circular motions. Be sure to apply a light pressure To avoid irritation. Insist on the roughest or driest areas. These are the areas of the body that are usually most exposed to the sun or rubbing of clothes and need to be treated with more care.

Avoid using scrub on cuts, abrasions, sunburns or irritated skin. Not all products require a shutter speed, but to find out, you have to read the instructions of the scrub you bought, which will tell you exactly what to do and how.

The setting time could vary from 1 to 5 minutes, after which you should Rinse the skin with lukewarm water And buffer it. Remember to apply a moisturizer after the treatment, as this helps the skin rebalance and regain its natural moisture.

Healthy skin is always well moisturized, so the scrub is ideal for receiving the next treatment, but the body moisturizer should never be missing as it improves the appearance of the skin and makes it even more supple, glowing and looking ever youthful.

Frequency: when to use body scrub

La frequency whereby use a body scrub varies depending on the needs of your skin and the product you purchased. In any case it is not a daily treatment, but it must be carried out periodically.

To understand when it is important to keep in mind the needs of your skin and its condition. We can say that, in most cases, you recommends using the scrub 1-2 times a week.

Daily use of body scrub can irritate and damage the skin. Scrubs contain exfoliating granules that remove dead cells and impurities but, if used too frequently, can be too aggressive and cause irritation, redness or even skin abrasion.

The skin needs time to regenerate and recover between exfoliation sessions, so daily use can prevent this natural process.

In addition, too frequent use of the scrub can Compromise the natural hydrolipid film of the skin. This protective layer composed of lipids (oils) and water is essential for keeping the skin hydrated and protecting it from harmful external agents.

Too frequent exfoliation can remove this protective layer, leaving the skin vulnerable to dehydration, irritation and inflammation. It is best to avoid overly aggressive treatments and limit use to what is indicated on the package.

It is important to listen to your body and notice any signs of irritation or sensitivity when you use a scrub. If your skin is particularly sensitive or if you have skin problems you may need to further reduce the frequency of exfoliation to a couple of times a month.

Also remember that when you are not using the scrub you still need to maintain a good skincare routine to keep your skin healthy and well moisturized.

In conclusion, properly using a professional body scrub is an essential step, making the skin brighter, softer and smoother.

However, this product should be used in moderation and respecting the specific needs of your skin. Too frequent exfoliation can cause irritation and damage, so it is advisable to perform this treatment once or twice a week.

In case of adverse reactions, it is always helpful to understand which ingredient or factor caused them. For this reason, it is also important to choose a scrub with natural ingredients.

Frequently asked questions about body scrubs

How to use a body scrub?

Body scrub is used on wet skin and never on dry skin. Take a shower or bath before using the product. Then take the right amount of scrub between your hands and massage it gently in circular motions. Insist especially on the driest and roughest areas to get rid of excess dead skin cells. You must follow the instructions on the package and, if necessary, wait for the indicated application time. Rinse the scrub with lukewarm water and dry the skin thoroughly but without rubbing. Apply a moisturizer to restore proper hydration to the body.

What is the best body scrub?

Panarea Water Volcanic Mud is among the best body scrubs. The presence of 3-dimensional exfoliating components and a hyaluronic acid complex is perfect for eliminating dead skin cells and giving the skin a radiant, youthful appearance. The choice of the best body scrub should be made on this basis, because it is important to remove dead cell accumulations from dull, dull and rough skin. The scrub is the most important product for skin regeneration and helps other treatments penetrate better.

When not to do body scrub?

Body scrub should not be done every day because it may be too aggressive for the skin on your body. It is also important not to do the scrub when there is irritation, abrasion or inflammation of the skin. The product could, through rubbing, worsen the situation. Even after dermatological treatments such as chemical peels, laser or microdermabrasion, it is best to wait the recovery period recommended by your doctor before using a body scrub. If you have sunburn, avoid using a scrub until your skin has fully recovered. Sunburned skin is extremely sensitive, and scrubs can increase discomfort.