Best facial cleansing products (professional and natural)

The choice of facial cleansing products is an important step in one's beauty routine.

The skin plays a very important defense role, and should be treated with care. That of the face in particular should take priority: every day it is exposed to a wide variety of dangers, from smog to ultraviolet rays.

Over time, this lead to a variety of problems: not only wrinkles, but also redness e dermatitis. Facial cleansing makes sure that this does not happen: by ridding the skin of potentially harmful residues, it allows it to breathe and regain its perfect condition.

To do so, however, you need to use good quality products that are suitable for your skin type and preferably organic. Only these have a cleansing, soothing, and invigorating action such that they cleanse the skin in a nonaggressive manner, as can occur by using solutions with a strong chemical component.

The different types of facial cleansing products

I facial cleansers are not all the same. There are different types of products on the market, sometimes very different from each other, designed to meet the various needs of buyers.

It is rather difficult, as well as unwise, to list these categories one by one: it is better to give a general overview.

I facial cleansing products differ mainly in the type of skin they are intended for.

There are two main ones: the oily skins and those shoals.

For the former, cleansers have a purifying effect and sebo-regulator: that is, they help eliminate skin impurities and reduce the presence of sebum. Because oily skin is characterized by excessive shine, they almost always also have an action opacifier.

For dry skin, on the other hand, facial cleansing products focus more on the effect moisturizer e soothing. They help nourish the dermis and fight dehydration.

The consistency of the various products also differs. Some detergents are offered with the consistency of a cream, others in gel, others in foam.

Also becoming increasingly popular are cleansing oils, lotions that are non-greasy and is very easy to apply.

How to choose a facial cleanser

The choice of cleanser must therefore be directed by one's own skin needs and characteristics: there is no perfect product for everyone, nor is there a solution that is better in an absolute sense.

Over time, it becomes easier to understand which alternatives you get better results with, but you can make informed choices even if it is your first time buying similar products.

The aspects to be taken into consideration are not that many: we will see them in a moment.

Skin type

As anticipated in the previous paragraphs, what most distinguishes various facial cleansing products is the type of skin they are designed for.

There are the oily skins, the dry skins, but also those mixed. In fact, the latter type is one of the most common: it is peculiar to people who do not have generally oily skin, but tend to accumulate sebum and impurities in some specific areas of the face.

It is the so-called T-zone, that which includes the nose, chin, and forehead, and which is also often visually shinier and oilier than the other areas of the face.

Once you understand the category to which you belong, it is quite easy to find targeted solutions.

One can opt for a cleanser that moisturizes, or conversely for one that mattifies and reduces sebum. Extremely targeted and effective solutions can be found on the market.


Facial cleansing is a crucially important part of one's beauty routine. It is a true ritual that, in its perfect form, requires definite timing and attention.

In everyday life, however, it is not always possible to respect them, which is why cleansing products should also be chosen while respecting one's habits.

A trivial example: there are those who for work or other reasons are forced to spend a lot of time away from home. In this case, it also becomes difficult to have everything necessary for proper cleaning with them at all times.

You can opt for products such as cleansing wipes: they allow you to take care of your skin even if you are on the go, with minimal bulk and absolute convenience.

Special needs

Just as habits and lifestyles are not the same for everyone, so too do needs vary from person to person.

Facial cleansing products, for example, should also be selected taking into account any allergies, as well as discomforts that can occur with certain active ingredients.

It must be said that by choosing a organic product, of natural origin, you greatly reduce the risk of running into a solution that may trigger unpleasant reactions.

This does not detract from the fact that our bodies may not tolerate natural substances as well. Chemical agents are undoubtedly more aggressive, but danger can also lurk in the form of allergy to plant-derived extracts.

Another special need that should influence the choice is that related to the genre e at the age. It may seem strange, but cleansing products are almost never divided into men's and women's categories, which is the case with many other personal care products.

Yet the needs are different, and the characteristics of the skin and the way to cleanse it are also different. Just think about the fact that, as a rule, it is women who make more intensive use of make-up, and therefore have to prefer cleansers that also have a make-up removing action.

Many other variables would be at play: where you live, the climate, the degree of pollution. The important thing is not to be frightened: broadly speaking, with a quality product, you always have your back.

Our natural facial cleansing products

Our line of natural facial cleansing products includes two solutions perfect for dry and oily skin, respectively.

The first is theVenus Water, a Volcanic Anti-aging Toning Micellar Water with a distinct restructuring and soothing power.

facial cleaning products

Its formula contains glyceric extract of Lichen Icelandicus, which gives it antiseptic, deodorizing, and emollient properties. A real pampering for the skin, especially for the driest and most fragile skin.

The soothing effect is amplified by the Chamomile and from the Mallow, two plants that reduce redness and help fight dermatitis.

In addition to cleansing the skin and ridding it of impurities without being harsh, micellar water also manages to deeply nourish it. Within it is the Spirulina Blue, an alga rich in protein, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

The result is a product perfect for cleansing the face by removing all smog and make-up residue, giving the skin immediate relief and helping it regain tone and shine.

Those with oily skin should instead consider buying theVulcan Water, a Purifying Thermal Sulfur Water designed specifically for. reduce the bacterial load skin and decrease the glossy effect Given by too high amounts of sebum.

facial cleaning products

The thermal water is in fact rich in magnesium e sulfur, two minerals that have the ability to stimulate skin regeneration and decrease the amount of bacteria.

Not surprisingly, it is perfect for acne-prone skin, a characteristic that is precisely bacterial in origin.

The skin is purified and literally healed by the action of theAloe Vera and of the Provitamin B5: are natural anti-inflammatory agents that reduce redness and promote healing. Hyaluronic Acid, which works as both a moisturizer and a toner, also helps combat imperfections.

The professional facial cleansing kit

For those who want to take care of their skin all round, there is also the Facial Purifying Experience Kit, a selection of our best professional facial cleansing products.

The kit consists of 3 natural products, plus as a gift the exceptional Volcano Thermal Water.

facial cleaning products

More specifically, by purchasing the Face Purifying Experience Kit, you will receive at home:

Aeolian night, plumping face cream: This facial cleansing cream has a. moisturizer e plumping. It allows you to fight blemishes while helping the skin regain its natural elasticity. It has a tensor effect, thus reducing the occurrence and visibility of wrinkles. Not surprisingly, it is categorized as anti-aging, a product i.e. suitable for mature skin And can counteract skin aging. Rich in Hyaluronic Acid, this lotion deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin: if used daily, it allows the skin to regain tone and shine.

See also: remedies for deep wrinkles.

Thermal Dream, smoothing cleanser: a truly amazing product to cleanse the skin and protect it from the challenges it faces every day. Sogno Termale works both as makeup remover, which as detergent for the face and as anti-aging treatment. It has a pronounced soothing action, aided by the presence of ingredients with anti-inflammatory and emollient abilities. It contains a mix of pure donkey milk, volcanic thermal water, prickly pear blade oil and seaweed.

Venus water, micellar aquagel: the perfect solution for ridding the skin of all smog and make-up residue. Integrated into one's skin care routine, this micellar water complements the classic cleanser, allowing one to reduce redness and dermatitis, thanks to the Mallow and to the Chamomile in it. It can be used either in the morning, immediately after waking up, or at night before going to bed. In both cases it allows the skin to be purified and freed of any harmful elements accumulated during the day.

Vulcan water, purifying sulfur thermal water: those who purchase the kit receive this extraordinary solution rich in hyaluronan, sulfur, magnesium, aloe e provitamin B5. Its formula is designed to meet the oily skins and with acne prone. It has a soothing and healing action, allowing the skin to regenerate and reduce its bacterial load, thus preventing the onset of acne and the accumulation of excessive amounts of sebum.


Choosing facial cleansing products is by no means a matter of course.

As we have seen, there are a number of products to incorporate into one's beauty routine: makeup removers, but also cleansers and face creams that allow one not only to purify the skin, ridding it of the residues that settle on it, but also to nourish and moisturize it.

It is not difficult to take care of your skin, but it requires a good dose of attention and of constancy.

Wrong behaviors such as the unfortunately rather common behavior of using excessive amounts of make-up or going to bed without first removing makeup should be avoided.

These habits, combined with the damage caused by other environmental factors (smog, sunlight, temperature changes) put a strain on the skin, especially that of the face.

Thanks to the natural facial cleansing products it is possible to solve the problem at its root, with results that are there for all to see.

The occurrence of redness and dermatitis is dramatically reduced, while at the same time counteracting the appearance of wrinkles and reducing acne phenomena.

Regardless of one's skin type, everyone should make use of these products, which have a positive impact on one's health even before aesthetics.

Frequently asked questions about facial cleansing products

What is the best facial cleansing product?

There is no one best product for cleansing the face. One's beauty routine should include the different solutions available (makeup removers, cleansers, moisturizers) designed to purify the skin and remove smog and make-up residues. The choice of products should be dictated by both your skin type (dry, oily, combination) and your habits. It is preferable to opt for organic solutions, that is, based on a mix of plant extracts.

When is facial cleansing done?

Facial cleansing should be done every day. Of course, it is not always possible to completely adhere to one's regular skin care, just think of when one is traveling or otherwise away from home. The important thing is, in any case, to rid the skin of make-up, using a good natural cleanser, preferably complemented by a face cream.

What is needed to do facial cleansing?

There are two products at the base of facial cleansing: cleanser and micellar water. Depending on one's needs, one two or even both can be chosen: in fact, they are not mutually exclusive. Both allow you to clean the skin by removing dirt, smog and makeup, although with different properties and benefits. To complete facial cleansing, it is recommended to integrate a moisturizing and protective cream among the products as well.