Natural remedies for deep wrinkles: eliminate them effectively

Over time, the skin loses elasticity e tonicity: This is when the first wrinkles begin to appear. A problem that afflicts women and men, especially after the age of 30, and creates a strong feeling of discomfort. Fortunately, there are some natural remedies for deep wrinkles that help combat this blemish without resorting to surgery or expensive and potentially dangerous operations.

As we will see together in a moment, it is nature itself that offers us different solutions to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and reduce its aesthetic impact. Not everyone knows, for example, that lifestyle also plays an important role.

Bad habits such as the smoke, l'alcohol intake and aunregulated feeding speed up the appearance of wrinkles and increase their severity. Instead, by following small wellness tips every day, it is possible to make sure that wrinkles are only a distant memory.

A few minutes of facial gymnastics a day, for example, but also foods that, thanks to the nutrients they contain, help you take care of your skin and help it regain the beauty that years and bad vices tend to take away.

We will discuss all this and more in the next few paragraphs, where the best remedies for deep wrinkles that do not involve surgery or drugs will be listed.

Natural products to eliminate deep wrinkles

Before even figuring out which remedy is best for us, it is fair to ask ourselves what caused the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Some more and some less, as we age, everyone tends to fall victim to this blemish.

The cause is to be found in the lower production of collagen and elastin, the two proteins that underlie connective tissues. Their decline results in less elasticity of the skin, which tends to be too loose and, therefore, to lose its original tone.

Another physiological reason that leads to the appearance of wrinkles is the decrease in the 'hyaluronan synthesized by the body. This acid is responsible for keeping the skin hydrated. If it is not present in the right amounts, the skin will begin to become dry and much more prone to damage and blemishes.

There are natural products that make it possible to supplement these elements that are lost with age, improving the health of the skin. This is the case, for example, with the Panarea Awakening anti-wrinkle face cream, a product based on Volcanic Water, Argan Oil and Hyaluronic Acid.

This particular composition of the product helps the skin to achieve the perfect state of hydration, so that you have a smooth, glowing face and lessen the impact of wrinkles. It is a product particularly suitable for those suffering from dry skin, given also the presence within it of fatty acids Omega 3 e Omega 6 that strengthen the epidermis and give it an imperfection-free texture.

For mature skin, the ideal solution is anti-aging products such as the aeolian night face cream, which thanks to its formula with Volcanic Thermal Water e Lipoic Acid has a plumping effect and promotes skin relaxation and shine, making it look younger and smoother right away.

Natural (grandmother's) remedies to reduce deep wrinkles

Some of the best natural remedies against deep wrinkles come directly from the advice of our grandmothers. Folk wisdom, we know, is often an invaluable source of information.

To take care of our face and protect it from blemishes, we can perform simple actions every day that allow the skin to retain its natural elasticity. There are, for example, exercises that serve exactly this purpose: a real facial gymnastics To keep the skin in training.

These are simple exercises, within everyone's reach and taking only a few minutes. To combat wrinkles, for example, it is recommended to close the eyelids for a few seconds, trying to tighten them as tightly as possible and repeating the operation five times. Next, lowering and raising the eyebrows helps to relax the skin even more, to be pampered with a final massage at temple level made of small, regular circular movements.

The greatest help, however, comes from using natural oils, which can be applied directly to the face to combat skin aging. There are several types, but three in particular prove extremely effective in maintaining young, wrinkle-free skin.

Natural remedies for deep wrinkles

L'Argan Oil has always been used by the women of Morocco as a beauty treatment. A precious oil, it is obtained from the fruit of the Argania Spinosa tree (it takes 50 kilograms to produce half a liter) and is rich in Vitamin E and has remarkable antioxidant properties. Not surprisingly, it is called "natural anti-aging," because it takes care of the epidermis and delays the signs of old age.

La Vitamin E is also found in Avocado Oil, which is obtained from the pulp of the fruit of the same name and which, in addition to stimulating the production of collagen (the protein that makes skin elastic), also works as an ointment to treat scars, abrasions and even the signs of psoriasis.

From rosehip, a flower that grows in South America, is instead made into a special, very fragrant oil that contains significant amounts of Vitamin A and C, as well as polyunsaturated fats. These very ones help to keep the skin hydrated, working as a true anti-aging treatment.

Wrinkles and lifestyle: the role of nutrition

Nutrition plays a key role in preventing the appearance of wrinkles. In fact, certain foods, thanks to the nutrients they contain, help the skin stay young and elastic.

By incorporating them into one's diet, it is therefore possible to have a perfect face and delay the arrival of wrinkles by years and years. What are the ingredients that should not be missing from our table?

First, the fruit, especially one with a high content of Vitamin C. Not only citrus fruits, which still contain significant amounts, but also strawberries and kiwifruit, as well as melon, mango and raspberries.

Vitamin C has a dual effect: strengthens the immune system and stimulates the production of collagen. Some fruits then, such as blueberries, in addition to this vitamin are also useful for their antioxidant action that helps protect the skin from external agents.

Another indispensable element to prevent wrinkles at the table are the Omega 3: These fatty acids help to maintain proper hydration of the skin, combating dryness that promotes the appearance of blemishes. They are found in the fish, especially in the blue one and the salmon, but also in the dried fruit.

To keep your skin hydrated, it is good to add to your diet the tomatoes: in fact, they contain Lycopene, an element of the carotenoid group also found (but in smaller amounts) in grapefruits and carrots. It functions as a shield, protecting against damage caused by theexposure to ultraviolet rays.

Impossible not to mention the dark chocolate. Many people believe that chocolate is junk food, and that eating it means harming the body. Not so: dark chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa and low sugar and fat, is rich in flavonoids and helps fight wrinkles by improving blood circulation to the face.


Wrinkles are a natural evolution of the skin, mainly that of the face. This does not mean, however, that we cannot take steps to reduce their impact and delay their appearance.

It is important to embrace positive habits right from the start, such as the (unfortunately often overlooked) habit of Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight without first applying protection. Lifestyle, as we have seen, greatly influences the genesis of wrinkles and their severity (thin wrinkles, deep wrinkles).

Smoking and alcohol are to be banned if you want to have radiant skin (but a glass of red wine at the dinner table, new studies say, has beneficial effects on the epidermis). With the right diet and the help of natural anti-wrinkle products, it is possible to fight the signs of aging and confidently sport a blemish-free face.

Frequently asked questions about natural remedies for deep wrinkles

What is the most powerful natural anti-wrinkle?

There are several elements in nature that have anti-wrinkle power. Fruits such as strawberries and blueberries, which are rich in Vitamin C and have strong antioxidant properties, help to keep the skin young and elastic and delay the appearance of wrinkles. Impossible then not to mention natural oils, which are our greatest ally in combating skin imperfections. To be applied directly or by adding them to one's moisturizer, they deeply nourish the skin, keep it hydrated and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the two proteins that are the basis of connective tissue firmness.

How to eliminate wrinkles with grandmother's remedies?

Grandmother's remedies that we can use to get rid of wrinkles include not only natural homemade masks, but also real facial gymnastics exercises that, if performed every day for a few minutes, help to soothe the signs of aging on one's skin.

How to reduce deep wrinkles?

For deep wrinkles, it is recommended to use natural hyaluronic acid products that, by increasing skin hydration and the amount of subcutaneous fat, give a plumping and reshaping effect to the face.