How to tan quickly (and maintain a tan)

We are sure that if you are here reading this article on how to tan quickly you feel like getting a beautiful golden complexion in no time. Here, then, we have decided to reveal to you some of the secrets for a'fast and long-lasting tan But at the same time safe.

Yes, because it is always important get a proper tan and without putting the skin of the body at risk. The harmful effects of the sun's rays should be limited as much as possible, and the good news is. it is possible, what is important is. choose a sunscreen good and high-quality products.

How to tan quickly and well

Getting a nice tan can give your skin a radiant appearance. The complexion that comes with a tan immediately recalls summer, and when the craving for heat and the sea kicks in, it's a good time to start getting some color. We want to give you the best tips to tan fast and well.

Before exposing yourself to the sun, prepare your skin for a tan. Run a'gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and to achieve a more even surface. This way all the products you are going to use will be more effective on your skin.

We recommend that you. use a gentle scrub or even a exfoliating glove and, subsequently, of Moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream. This is only the preparatory phase for get a perfect tan And it is interesting to find out what to do next.

Use a self-tanner

Surely, the perfect solution for a'Perfect tan throughout the year is that of use a self-tanner. Excessive exposure to the sun can damage the skin, causing sunburn, premature aging, sunspots and increasing the risk of developing skin cancer.

Self-tanners are a safe alternative for achieving a tanned look in any season and Without exposing themselves to the sun's rays, potentially harmful. Panarea Water created Sicilian Sun 365, a self-tanner designed to meet your needs.

Sicilian Sun 365 is a anti-aging self tanner Which does not stain or grease the skin. Its peculiarity is theinstant tanning effect Which, however, is also enduring.

Within it is the DHA, known for its self-tanning property. Due to the presence of this ingredient, which is activated on contact with the skin, there is an effect that occurs almost immediately and intensifies as the hours pass.

The product is water resistant and this allows you not to lose your complexion when you take a shower or a dip in the sea or pool. Choosing a self-tanner is an ideal way to tan quickly and properly.

In addition, self-tanning enables the following. achieve an even tan all over the body, without risking darker areas. You can apply the product evenly, avoiding unwanted lines or spots.

Eat well

This may seem like unrelated advice, but you should consider. eat well. This is because health starts with the boards and it also applies to tanning.

Some nutrients promote the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for tanning the skin. Introducing certain foods to improve your tan is another useful tip we want to give you. Which ones? Mark the ones we are about to list.

The foods rich in beta-carotene Are perfect. It is a powerful antioxidant which promotes the melanin production. For this reason it is useful to eat Carrots, peppers, tomatoes, squash, eggplant and also melons e mango. If you include these foods in your diet you can achieve a more intense and long-lasting tan.

All foods that contain antioxidants are perfect for tanning and, in addition, protect the skin from free radical damage while improving the tan.

Also Citrus fruits, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, kale, chilies can give the skin everything it needs for a radiant and healthy complexion. In addition, consuming vitamin E Is essential for improving the tan.

This means that you have to consume walnuts, almonds, spinach, avocado, olive oil so as to maintain healthy skin and promote a glowing tan.

La vitamin C is another element that should not be underestimated, as well as the healthy fats should never be lacking. The last piece of advice is to Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Being hydrated both inside and out allows you to get the complexion you want.

Use any supplements

What are the tanning supplements? You must be wondering, reading this advice. The beta-carotene supplements can be just as useful for improving the tan as for protecting the skin from UV damage.

One must, however, Pay attention to excessive intake of beta-carotene which could adversely affect the complexion of the skin, which would tend to become too orangey.

Also a vitamin E supplement could be useful, as it would help you maintain the healthy and moisturized skin And ready for tanning.

It is important to remember that dietary supplements do not replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Spend more time near the surface of the water

This is also advice we want to give you if you are trying to get a quick tan. L'water reflects the sun's rays, increasing the intensity of sun exposure.

This means that when you are near water, your skin is affected by both direct and reflected sunlight, Accelerating the tanning process.

Water can have a refreshing effect on the skin, reducing the risk of sunburn. This allows you to stay in the sun longer without experiencing discomfort or burning, allowing for a faster tan. Caution: always remember that the sunscreen is necessary, in these cases more than ever.

Have a little patience

Patience, it is known, is the virtue of the strong And this is also the case when it comes to tanning. Although it would be the dream of all of us to have radiant, tanned skin 365 days a year, it is necessary to follow some tips and take some steps so as to facilitate the process.

Even when spreading a self-tanner, you have to be patient enough to wait a few hours before you see the final effect. However, the result is guaranteed: you will have perfect tanned skin.

How to get a tan without getting burned

Getting a tan without burning is very important for keep the skin healthy and to have a healthy, golden complexion. You'll need a few simple tips to follow.

L'use of sunscreen with a sun protection factor adequate is essential to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. The cream should be applied generously all over the body, at least 15 minutes before exposure.

Remember to reapply the product every two hours, especially if you have been swimming or sweating profusely. Always evaluate the protection factor, which must be in line with your phototype.

Keep the well moisturized skin applying a moisturizing lotion immediately after exposure and drinking enough. In this way you can not only reduce the risk of dehydration, but you can also keep your skin healthy.

To avoid burns, it is also important to Avoid exposure to the sun during peak hours. Between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm the sun rays are stronger and increases the risk of sunburn.

If you are at the beach or out in the fresh air during the hottest hours, try to identifying shady places so as to reduce the intensity of UV rays and the risk of sunburn. Use umbrellas, gazebos or trees to protect yourself from the sun.

If you prefer to avoid sun exposure altogether, use self-tanners so that you have a'perfect tan without exposure in the sun.

How to tan your legs

L'leg tan can always be more complicated than the rest of the body. Every year you try to far evenly tan the legs But the area remains clearer and clearer. How to solve this problem?

Mark these suggestions and choose the right tanning product. The first advice is to exfoliate the area Before exposure to the sun. This ensures that the area is prepared for exposure.

Secondly, it is important to choosing a leg tanner. In this case you could also take advantage of the power of theself-tanner That allows for a better starting complexion.

Turn around often during the exhibition. Move often during sun exposure allows for an even tan on all legs.

How to maintain a tan over time

The last tips we want to give you are about how to make your tan last. This is the question you ask yourself when summer is ending or when you've gained some color and don't want to lose it.

In order to maintain a tan over time, it is useful to. moisturize the skin, because hydrated skin is healthy. You also need to avoid aggressive exfoliation, which can go to affect the golden complexion that was achieved during the summer.

Making one scrub too frequently might remove the surface layer of skin that is the one that has tanned. Therefore, if you decide to exfoliate your skin you should do it gently and not too frequently.

Another important piece of advice is to follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and E. The skin should also be well moisturized so as to preserve the tan.

Frequently asked questions about how to tan fast

How to tan in one day?

To get a tan in a day, it is useful to use a self-tanner. Such a product provides an immediate tan, which reaches its maximum level within 24 hours. Reapplying the product even in the following days gives gradualness to the tan, which will become more and more golden.

How long should you be in the sun to get a tan?

To get a tan, it is necessary to stay in the sun as long as necessary, avoiding peak hours. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. it is advisable not to expose yourself to the sun, because during these hours the sun's rays are harmful to the skin.

Where do we tan the most?

The place where people tan the most is near bodies of water. This means that at the beach, by a lake or river you get the most tan. It must be remembered that the sun's rays also strike in the city and, in any case, outdoors.

How to get a dark tan?

To get a dark tan it is necessary to take some steps. First, it is recommended to use a self-tanner, which allows you to get a good tan immediately. In addition, it is recommended to keep the skin moisturized so as to promote the complexion.