Wrinkles between the eyebrows: causes and remedies to eliminate (or reduce) them

Glabellar wrinkles, lion's wrinkles, thinker's wrinkles: three names for one blemish, namely the wrinkles between the eyebrows. If there are so many different ways to call it, it is mainly because it is one of the most common of the expression lines.

It affects women and men indiscriminately and, having reached a certain age, its occurrence seems to be practically inevitable. In reality, this is not quite so. In many cases it is possible, if not eliminate wrinkles between the eyebrows completely, at least delay their appearance e reduce their aesthetic impact Reducing the depth of the furrows.

What is interesting is that in order to achieve this surgery is not mandatory. Compared to a few years ago, it is now easier to find in the market of the natural products, totally safe to use, which allow you to combat the expression lines between the eyebrows providing the skin with all the substances it needs to stay toned and elastic, and which are diminished over time.

Not only that. By following some practical tips, which we will talk more about in a moment, you can change your lifestyle and adopt good habits that can reduce not only the presence of wrinkles between the eyebrows, but in general many facial blemishes, such as the wrinkles under the eyes and the puppet wrinkles.

The causes of wrinkles between the eyebrows

This type of wrinkle is very common, and after the age of 40 it affects the majority of people. However, it does not always present in the same way. In some cases, only one vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows, in others it is instead a group of wrinkles parallel to each other. Also varying is the nature of the furrows, which may be deeper or shallower.

What causes their appearance? As with all expression lines, the genesis of the blemish can be traced back to the facial movements. Our face makes thousands of small movements every day, causing the skin to contract and relax many times throughout the day.

These contractions can cause skin sagging after a certain age, and that is when the body begins to produce in decreasing amounts substances such as theelastin, the collagen and thehyaluronan. These are a fundamental part of the scaffolding that supports the skin, and their diminution makes it weaker and drooping.

This is an inevitable natural process, but it can be countered and slowed down with excellent results. It is important, for example, to abandon vices such as the smoke and the habitual consumption of alcoholic substances: Both of these habits, in fact, have detrimental effects on skin health.

Equally important is to avoid thedirect exposure to ultraviolet rays. Sunlight can cause what in medical parlance is called "photoaging", that is, a speeding up of the skin aging process caused precisely by the sun's rays. This is why it is recommended to always use a cream with a good protection factor, even in the winter months, in those areas that remain uncovered the longest (face, neck and décolleté.

Creams, fillers and products to combat wrinkles between the eyebrows

The effectiveness of natural products to combat wrinkles should not be underestimated. Advances had in recent years have made it possible to develop solutions that, taking advantage exclusively of natural active ingredients, are able not only to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also to eliminate those already present with a result similar to that of the classic filler.

Our offering for wrinkles between the eyebrows includes two products to be used in tandem: Venus Sicilian Serum and Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Cream.

It is precisely the Sicilian Venus Serum to offer the filler effect mentioned earlier, presenting itself as a natural and safe alternative to Botox. This serum is nothing more than a gel with a high content of Elastin and Collagen, the two proteins that give the skin its characteristics of firmness and elasticity, and which are diminished as he years go by.

Venus Sicilian serum: intensive filler effect lifting face serum

Their capabilities are emphasized by theArgirelox, a natural hexapeptide that has a lifting and toning action, and is aided by the decongestant action of Centella Asiatica. Also present in the serum are extracts of Sicilian Ginger and Turmeric, for an illuminating and antioxidant effect.

After using the serum, treatment is continued by applying to the face the Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Cream, the only one to use the innovative formula BlueRevelation 50+™ Seaweed. A mix of Marine MicroAlgae that can rejuvenate the skin by making it regain its glow and freshness and improving its textures, so as to appear more pleasing both to the eye and to the touch.

In this light emulsion we find Argan Oil, Vitamin E e Hyaluronic Acid, ingredients that can deeply nourish the skin and restore it to its perfect state of health.

Natural remedies to combat wrinkles between the eyebrows

Among the many remedies for wrinkles between the eyebrows we have at our disposal, the natural ones are undoubtedly the ones we are most curious about. We have already talked about some products that prove to be excellent in fighting facial blemishes and rejuvenating the skin, but there is no shortage of other, often homemade, solutions that prove to be of great help.

It is always good to repeat that, before anything else, it is necessary to abandon vices such as smoking and immoderate alcohol consumption: in fact, numerous researches have shown that both of these behaviors have a negative impact on skin health. The same goes for prolonged exposure to the sun, which causes photoaging and in very many cases is the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

Let's see now How to eliminate wrinkles between the eyebrows economically, with simple actions that everyone can follow. Correcting one's power supply is a very important first remedy. If the skin tends to weaken, promoting the appearance of furrows in the most sensitive areas, it is because it is not properly hydrated.

Moisturizing creams are a good shock therapy, replenishing the substances the skin needs very quickly, but in the long run it is good to intervene in one's diet as well, supplementing water-rich foods. Fruits and vegetables above all, but also other foods that can provide valuable substances such as the Omega 3 e Omega 6, i carotenoids, i minerals and vitamins of the C, D and E groups. These include fish, tomatoes, and carrots, as well as dried fruits.

Outstanding results are also achieved with the facial gymnastics, that is, by practicing simple exercises daily that help relax the skin. They take no more than about ten minutes and no equipment is needed, but if performed regularly they are a real godsend for delaying the appearance of wrinkles.

A simple exercise for glabellar wrinkles is to place the index fingers at the root of the eyebrow, applying gentle pressure, while at the same time trying to wrinkle the forehead. This will result in marked skin relaxation, which over time helps to elasticize the skin and reduce the depth of the furrows.

Finally, it should not be forgotten that to counteract wrinkles between the eyebrows, as well as in general any other facial blemish, it is essential to take facial skin care. Natural, low-aggressive products should be chosen that can cleanse and purify the skin of smog and make-up residue, which can cause redness and irritation.

Other treatments

We have seen so far How to reduce wrinkles between the eyebrows Using only natural remedies. Of course, the aesthetic medicine proposes its own solutions to the problem that, for a certainly greater expense, provide virtually immediate results.

One of the main aesthetic treatments designed to reduce wrinkles between the eyebrows is the hyaluronic acid filler. In the previous paragraphs we have already talked about how important this substance is for having proper cellular hydration, a basic requirement for toned and elastic skin.

The filler is the quickest way to integrate hyaluronic acid into the skin tissue: it consists of small injections given locally, in the areas where it is most needed; sometimes an anesthetic ointment is used to zero the perceived pain (which is minimal anyway). It is a treatment that offers visible results right away, and it is also very safe since hyaluronic acid is a substance already normally produced by our body.

This, however, is also somewhat of a disadvantage: because the body tends to dispose of hyaluronic acid over time, the results disappear after a period of time of, typically, 9 to 12 months. It is therefore necessary to use the filler once or more a year.

A second treatment often recommended to eliminate expression lines, including thinker's lines, is the carbon dioxide laser. In this case, the goal of treatment is to push the skin to produce new collagen itself, which tends to become increasingly scarce after age 40.

This is done by using a laser that targets very small portions of the skin deeply, creating micro-abrasions that the body is then able to repair by synthesizing precisely new collagen. The result is regenerated skin thanks to an effective external stimulus. Conceptually similar is also the pulsed light, a generally cheaper solution, but one that uses a light beam instead of a laser. It is a less invasive treatment in which there is no skin ablation, with comparable results in many cases.

Increasingly less popular, however, are surgical solutions, which in the past were the main solution offered by aesthetic medicine to the problem. The facelift in fact, although it offers excellent and long-lasting results, it is a very invasive procedure that if not performed properly can cause permanent damage. It remains a viable route for more complex situations, but not recommended in all other cases.


In this brief guide we have discovered the significance of wrinkles between the eyebrows, the causes that lead to their appearance and the remedies available to us to eliminate them, or at least to reduce their impact on facial harmony.

Compared to a few years ago, we certainly have more tools and are more effective in treating this blemish. In a great many cases, it is not even necessary to resort to aesthetic medicine. The use of natural products based on hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen, when combined with some good habits, is often more than enough to delay the appearance of wrinkles and to decrease the amount and depth of the furrows already present.

It should not be forgotten that, as in many other cases, it is the prevention To play a key role. After the age of 40, both women and men should put even more attention on facial care, an operation that does not require special effort but helps to ward off the appearance of far more serious annoyances.

Frequently asked questions about wrinkles between the eyebrows

What are the wrinkles in the middle of the eyebrows called?

There is no single name for wrinkles between the eyebrows. In fact, this type of blemish is technically called "glabellar wrinkles," but it also takes the name "lion's wrinkles" or "thinker's wrinkles."

How to improve wrinkles between the eyes?

To improve wrinkles between the eyes, it is essential to encourage proper hydration of the skin. This is achieved both by changing one's habits, including at the table (incorporating water-rich foods into one's diet), and by using specific products based on hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. Facial gymnastics also helps a lot in counteracting the appearance of expression lines, a group to which those that form between the eyes also belong.

How to eliminate the wrinkle in the middle of the forehead?

To eliminate the wrinkle that forms in the middle of the forehead, it is possible to opt either for natural solutions, or for the remedies offered by aesthetic medicine. Natural solutions, such as creams and serums with a high content of hyaluronic acid, provide excellent results with minimal expense and in a totally safe and painless manner. For more critical cases, however, it may be necessary to resort to treatments such as fillers or lasers.