Nose-labial wrinkles: remedies (most effective fillers and creams)

Le nasolabial wrinkles are, in many cases, the first wrinkles to appear on the face. Suffice it to say that they begin to make their appearance as early as the age of 30: the phenomenon affects both men and women, but it is the latter who suffer the most.

As the barcode and the puppet wrinkles, these also fall into the large family of expression lines, that is, those wrinkles that tend to form precisely because of facial contractions used to convey expressions: smiling, pouting, or even simply speaking.

It is not difficult to identify them: they originate at the base of the nose and, following an oblique path, go all the way to the sides of the mouth, or even to the chin. There are some nasolabial wrinkle remedies? The answer is yes, and we will find out in the next paragraphs.

Nose-labial wrinkles: the causes

To understand how to prevent and eliminate these types of wrinkles, it is first necessary to ask what causes their appearance. We have already mentioned that, like all expression lines, nose-labial wrinkles are mainly due to facial contractions. As the skin stretches and contracts thousands of times a day, it tends to furrow and lose its elasticity.

This, however, is not the only cause of the blemish. Leaving aside the issue of genetics, which nevertheless has its impact, but which no one can intervene on, there are bad habits that can accelerate the aging process of the face and promote the appearance of wrinkles.

Two vices out of all, alcohol e smoke, have been related by recent studies to the formation of skin furrows. A significant impact is also given by the dehydration, a condition that affects many more people than is often expected. This is why one of the most widely adopted solutions for the treatment of wrinkles involves the use of thehyaluronan, a substance that helps the skin retain water and maintain the proper state of hydration.

That's why a crucial role is also played by thepower supply. What we eat affects not only the amount of water ingested (which is greater in fruits and vegetables than in other foods), but also the intake of substances such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, which are essential for good skin health.

Impossible then not to mention the photoaging, or premature aging caused by direct exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays damage the skin, which should always be defended, both in summer and winter, by a face cream that also functions as a sunscreen.

And finally, a lot also depends on age. It is quite natural that as we get older, the skin loses tone and firmness because the amount of elastin and collagen produced is significantly reduced.

The most effective creams or fillers against nasolabial wrinkles

To best combat naso-labial wrinkles, eliminating the furrows already present and preventing new ones from forming, you can opt for our 100% natural treatment based on a combination of two of the best physique creams currently on the market: the Panarea Awakening anti-wrinkle cream and the Aeolian Night plumping cream.

La Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Cream can rely on a formula that no other similar product can offer, and which goes by the name of BlueRevelation 50+™ Seaweed. What it is. Simple, a very powerful mix of Marine MicroAlgae specifically designed to fight wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.

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Its action makes it possible to immediately improve the appearance of the face, regaining the shine that generally tends to fade with the passage of time. Le MicroAlgae marine also improve the skin texture, which will therefore be more pleasant to the touch.

Panare's Awakening is an all-natural lotion characterized by high moisturizing power: it contains concentrated doses of vitamin E and hyaluronic acid, two substances that are of great help to the skin. Not only that: inside the lotion is also theArgan Oil, used for centuries as a natural emollient, and which helps fight redness and inflammation.

The treatment also continues in the evening, when it comes the turn of the second of our creams effective against naso-labial wrinkles. It is the Aeolian Night Remover Cream, among the best solutions of the moment to have a filler-like effect, but at a much lower expense and without any kind of discomfort.

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How does this cream lift the skin and fill in the furrows from within? Simple, it uses an active ingredient designed specifically to have a botox-like function. It is called Argirelox, and allows the skin to compact and regain lost volume just as Botox would, but in a much less invasive and, most importantly, totally natural way.

Aeolian Night is a lotion at the base of which we find. Volcanic Thermal Water enriched with Amino Acids, Lipoic Acid and Hyaluronic Acid. It is easy to see how such a mix of ingredients can benefit young and old skin. It moisturizes, it protects, it deeply nourishes-a true panacea.

It is applied with a simple massage, making circular motions until the product is fully absorbed, but it is also possible to apply a thin veil to be left on overnight to maximize the results of the treatment.

Grandma's do-it-yourself remedies against nasolabial wrinkles

The use of specific products, such as creams and serums for the face, can be complemented by specific Grandma's remedies for nasolabial wrinkles. They are totally safe and very inexpensive "homemade" solutions, but if adopted regularly they can have a very positive impact on the treatment of this blemish.

Before anything else, it is necessary to take action on one's lifestyle, abandoning those vices that, as we have seen, facilitate the appearance of wrinkles. One's diet should also be modified so as to incorporate dishes rich in nutrients beneficial to the skin: not only fruits and vegetables (tomatoes and citrus fruits, strawberries and nuts, for example), but also fish (especially those rich in fatty acids Omega 3 e Omega 6), eggs and legumes. Chamomile and licorice have been shown to be particularly effective in combating wrinkles: the former, due to its anti-inflammatory properties; the latter, because it improves blood circulation.

Many people achieve tremendous improvements by practicing some exercises for nasolabial wrinkles. What is it all about? It is the so-called facial gymnastics: as with traditional gymnastics we train the body, with facial gymnastics it is possible to train the skin of the face, making it more toned and decreasing the aesthetic impact and the amount of furrows.

No more than a few minutes a day are needed. One of the best exercises for nose-labial wrinkles is to lift the cheekbones upward using the palm of the hand and, at the same time, contract the mouth as if you were going to give a kiss. By holding the position for a few seconds and repeating the exercise several times, it is possible to stretch the skin surrounding the naso-labial area.

Other treatments to eliminate nasolabial wrinkles

Aesthetic medicine also offers solutions to eliminate naso-labial wrinkles. There are currently several types of treatment available, differing not only in the results that can be achieved, but also in the cost and invasiveness of the procedure. Two of the most popular and effective solutions are filler and laser treatment.

The filler for nasolabial wrinkles involves the subcutaneous injection of a hyaluronic acid solution. Its effect, as the name also suggests, is to fill in the furrows from the inside, so as to achieve firmer, more relaxed skin.

It is a solution chosen by many people because it is minimally invasive, fast and rather inexpensive, and above all, it is free of side effects (except, in some cases, a slight initial swelling). The absence of risk is due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is a substance that our bodies already produce naturally, and whose amounts decrease as we age.

This feature is a pro but also a con of the treatment. Hyaluronic acid, in fact, is metabolized by the body: this means that, after a certain amount of time, the results begin to disappear, returning to the initial condition, because the injected solution has been disposed of by the body. Those who resort to fillers must therefore have injections regularly, usually every 6 to 12 months.

A definitive treatment, on the other hand, is that laser, which stimulates the skin and activates elastin and collagen production. This is also a minimally invasive system, the discomfort of which is limited to post-treatment redness that usually disappears within a few hours of the session.


Nose-labial wrinkles are a natural and extremely common blemish: after the age of 30, it is difficult to find a person who does not suffer from them. This, however, does not mean that this type of wrinkle cannot be a source of embarrassment and discomfort. The face is an extremely exposed area, and its flaws are often the ones we are most concerned about.

There is no need to worry too much, however. Today we have so many remedies at our disposal, ranging from aesthetic medicine treatments to safe and inexpensive solutions, such as natural face creams and serums that allow you to have toned and glowing skin from the very first applications.

Frequently asked questions

How to eliminate nasolabial wrinkles?

The best way to eliminate nasolabial wrinkles is to rely on natural creams and serums rich in hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. Prevention also matters a lot: maintaining proper hydration, avoiding temperature changes and direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, as well as always using sunscreen are all tricks to keep skin looking young longer.

How much does nasolabial wrinkle filler cost?

The cost of filler for naso-labial wrinkles is not fixed, but on average the amount required for treatment in this area of the face is about 300 euros.

What is the best nose-labial wrinkle cream?

There is no absolute best cream to combat nasolabial wrinkles. The ideal product should have a natural composition, high moisturizing power and contain concentrated amounts of elastin and collagen.

How to eliminate lip wrinkles naturally?

To naturally eliminate lip wrinkles, you can try facial gymnastics exercises to restore skin tone and elasticity, thus decreasing the visibility of furrows.