Spots on the face grandmother's remedies and creams

Passing time, exposure to the sun, hormonal factors-these are just a few causes that lead to the appearance of spots on the face. Although in some cases this is something physiological, if you are looking for perfect skin you also need to know what are the Remedies for facial blemishes.

For you and for many women, these spots can be mute witnesses to the passing years, and that is why discovering so-called grandmother's remedies that have defied time, modern dermocosmetic solutions is helpful.

Between tradition and innovation, eliminate spots on the face it is possible, and today we will find out how to do it.

See also: Best anti-blemish face cream.

Type of spots on the face

Skin spots on the face can occur in different shapes and colors, each with its own distinctive causes and characteristics. While to the eye they may seem like just a problem to be solved, it is always helpful to understand what the characteristics of the types of spots on the face, so as to go and find the most suitable solution. As much grandmother's remedies as the brightening creams, in fact, require this knowledge to give the best results.

Skin spots are not all the same, and this is the first thing you need to know, because there are freckles, solar lentigo, of spots dictated by skin irritation. In short, knowing how to distinguish them also makes a difference in terms of remedies.

Let's start by saying that there are the pigmented spots, which can be red or brown. Many types of spots fall into this specific category, including freckles, aging spots, or melasma.

There are, then, the so-called white spots which may be the result of conditions such as thehypomelanosis. Finally, we have the sunspots, which have a story of their own.

For more, see also the guide to the best lightening cream for body spots.

The red or brown spots on the face

Red or brown spots on the face are very common and can affect both your appearance and the perception of your skin.

In most cases we are talking about skin aging spots, but we also have freckles e melasma. Suddette spots are associated with a irregular melanin production, which is the pigment responsible for skin color.

Le time stains are physiological and are related to skin aging and also to prolonged UV exposure. These macchies are often the result of alterations in melanin production. In most cases these spots appear on the face, neck, and hands.

In these cases, the prevention Is very important. Having a good skincare routine with whitening products inside it helps to avoid having this type of blemish and, more importantly, allows you to slow down skin aging.

Alongside these tips, we also want to mention some of the following grandmother's remedies and some suggestions that come from folk wisdom. Certainly, using some wide-brimmed hats o hats with visors helps protect the face, which is one of the areas most susceptible to this type of blemish.

Grandma's remedies for weather spots include the application of lemon juice o aloe vera, which can help to whiten the skin. Be careful, however, because these ingredients Are not suitable for sensitive skin. One should always test and understand whether these are home remedies that can be compatible with one's skin type.

For eliminate the stains of time that are already present on the skin you can evaluate many dermocosmetic solutions, including. purifying scrubs and of the brightening creams. Ingredients such as vitamin C can help you to lighten and to have a brighter skin.

Laser Treatments e chemical peel therapies are more advanced options to consider depending on your condition, but still, for good maintenance of the result, you will always need to use creams as well.

Also the melasma is a typical dark spot that appears on the face for a variety of manyvi. This is a form of hyperpigmentation that manifests as brown spots on the face, particularly common in women of childbearing age.

Underlying this may be some hormonal changes related to pregnancy or hormone therapy. The most affected areas are usually the forehead, cheeks, and upper lip.

Combating this type of stain requires a comprehensive approach, including both theuse of lightening creams Than of natural remedies.

If we look at the grandmother's remedies, we can say that in some cases the following are suggested Masks made from yogurt, honey, or lemon juice. These ingredients can be used to brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes, but it is also good to remember that the sensitive skins could be damaged.

The white spots on the face

Speaking, however, of white spots on the face we need to go into specifics. Among the causes of white spots we find, without a doubt, some autoimmune diseases, such as the vitiligo, but also of the fungal infections and of the excoriation trauma o Excessive exposure to the sun.

In the case of infections, it is good to contact the dermatologist immediately for a medical and targeted approach. In other cases, however, it is helpful to understand what the cosmetic remedies and the grandma's advice.

Again, use some brightening creams can be very helpful, although it is always important to choose carefully as unsuitable ingredients could go on to irritate the skin, making it worse.


Sunspots, commonly referred to as sun freckles, represent one of the visible consequences of prolonged exposure to the sun's UV rays.

These are spots that can take on color gray or brown and occurring on those areas of the skin most frequently exposed to sunlight, such as the face, hands, and shoulders.

Taking a closer look at the characteristics of sunspots is also helpful in finding the best strategy for eliminating them, whether with creams or old-fashioned remedies.

Sunspots form due to the accumulation of melanin. The moment one is exposed to UV light, skin cells, called melanocytes, increase melanin production as a defense mechanism.

This process, however, can lead to irregularities in pigment distribution, generating precisely the much-tempered sunspots.

In that case, you can use some natural remedies which, however, must always complement prevention. The application of lemon juice, known for its whitening properties, or aloe vera, with its soothing properties, could reduce the appearance of sunspots. However, these are remedies to be used with caution because. skin irritants.

Without a doubt, when it comes to solar lentigo the prevention plays a very important role. Choose the best sunscreen is a first step, as is wear hats And eye and face protection.

In addition, the lightening creams for facial blemishes are always useful and should be applied consistently and chosen carefully.

Causes of spots on the face

The causes of facial blemishes are often multifactorial, involving fGenetic, environmental, and lifestyle-related actors. Having a clear idea of the causes of these skin discolorations allows you to adopt targeted strategies to preserve and improve the health of your skin.

First of all, you should know that between Main causes of facial blemishes there is theProlonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. These rays can stimulate melanin production, leading to the appearance of sun freckles, melasma or dark spots.

In these cases, regular use of sunscreen is essential to mitigate this risk.

Even the hormonal changes, related to periods such as pregnancy, menopause, or the use of oral contraceptives, can affect melanin production and cause the appearance of spots. Melasma, for example, is commonly associated with hormonal changes and can manifest as dark spots on the face.

We then indicated among the causes of dark spots on the face also thephysiological aging of the skin. Over the years, and sun exposure, the skin loses its ability to regenerate itself.

We also point you to the genetic predisposition, which increases the possibility of developing spots on the face. Some people may inherit a greater propensity for hyperpigmentation or specific skin conditions, making them more susceptible to dyschromia.

We also have some skin lesions, as acne or inflammation of the skin, which can leave scars or spots. Similarly, the skin can be stained because the right products are not used for the skin care. Even a bad Hydration and facial cleansing routines can lead to the appearance of spots.

Understanding the many causes of blemishes on the face is essential to taking a comprehensive approach to caring for your skin so that it always looks bright, even and healthy over time.

Spots on the face and stress

Can stress be related to facial blemishes? Answering this question is very important, as you can see how stress leads precisely to the onset of these annoying spots on the face.

If your life becomes hectic and daily tensions build up, your skin becomes a mirror of your emotional well-being.

It has, in fact, been found that stressful situations trigger a number of reactions in the body, including increased production of cortisol, the stress hormone.

This hormonal increase can negatively affect the health of your skin, leading to increased sensitivity and, in some cases, the appearance of dark spots or pigmented irregularities.

Stress-related facial blemishes can manifest in various forms. We start, for example, with the melasma, which brings with it dark spots, often on the cheeks and forehead, caused precisely by alterations in melanin production.

In addition, stress can exacerbate pre-existing skin problems such as. acne or eczema, leaving behind visible signs of tension. If you have problems with spots on the face and stress the solution is to treat the causes that cause friction and worry in daily life, and then find the best anti-stain skincare routine For your skin.

It is a combined action that will bring results with consistency to care. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your face and body will also help you have a healthy and glowing skin, as well as a psychological balance that will do you a lot of good.

The creams for facial blemishes

Of course, the creams for facial blemishes play a key role in this battle. There are so many of them, some very different from each other, but not all of them are equally valid.

First, it is essential that you know your skin type because, as seen with grandmother's remedies for spots, some ingredients may be irritating to sensitive skin.

This could lead to damage, which is best avoided when you have delicate skin that is easily irritated, partly because the very irritation could make the blemishes worse.

Also important for this choice is understand the cause of your stains. Are they related to sun exposure, hormonal changes, or other factors? Answering these questions can steer you toward creams with specific ingredients to address your issue.

The key ingredients to look for in the product you are going to prefer are. bleaching agents, among which we also include hyaluronan e vitamin C.

These are elements that can be good for any skin type and that they are multifunctional. In addition to acting on blemishes and skin brightness, giving that 'glow effect which everyone loves, also make it firmer and visibly rejuvenated.

Use products such as Vulcan Serum might be the solution you've been looking for, as contained within this product are a number of actives designed specifically for a'Lightening action of facial blemishes.

Vulcan Serum Lightening Serum

Within this serum you will be able to find only raw materials of natural origin who have a lightening and anti-aging function. It is a anti-stain and elasticizing serum that you can use in your beauty routine whatever your skin type.

Its formulation gel serum is designed to fit your skin without weighing it down, and this is a detail you should always look for in face creams, whatever their functionality.

This is a gel serum with moisturizing power, given by the presence of hyaluronan at different molecular weights, carried in a gel enriched with Sea Salt, Sulfur and Seaweed.

Not only that. Volcano Serum also has within it. elastin and collagen which are two very valuable assets for increasing tone and firmness Of the skin.

You will also find within the product an aqueous vehicle such as thePure Volcanic Thermal Water which, along with a Sicilian Orange Active Water, contributes to making this gel serum a unique product.

The glyceric extracts of Dandelion, Centella asiatica and Horsetail, in combination with the Vitamin C protected, have a strong ability to restructure the skin, preparing it to successfully face daily challenges and receive subsequent treatments.

If you would like to complete your skincare routine with another product perfect for your needs, to be used during the night, we recommend Aeolian Night.

Aeolian Night: plumping face cream for mature skin

This night cream has a plumping effect, moisturizing and goes to work on skin elasticity and hydration just as you sleep. Thanks to the effectiveness of Argilerox, an innovative natural component, you can slow down the aging process and promote skin regeneration, eliminating unsightly spots on the skin.

Within Aeolian Night we also find ingredients elasticizing and moisturizing,

The rich composition of this cream makes it ideal for nighttime action, while the serum can be used in the morning to complete the daily anti-stain routine.

Along with hyaluronic acid, in fact, we also find. Vulcan Water which combines with amino acids and lipoic acid for a complete and even more intense action.

Spots on the face and grandmother's remedies

But what are the Grandma's remedies for facial blemishes? For sure, lemon and honey always appear in grandmothers' advice. Lemon is known for its whitening properties, while honey is moisturizing and soothing. However, always be very careful when applying lemon to your face, especially if you have a sensitive skin as it may be overly aggressive.

Also thealoe vera is recommended very often, because it has some soothing and moisturizing properties that can help fight facial skin blemishes and give new hydration.

We conclude the list of grandmother's remedies with a face mask with potatoes. Potatoes contain natural bleaching enzymes. Grate a potato and apply the juice to the skin. Leave for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse.

Please note that these are grandmother's remedies, which, therefore, do not have behind the dermatological studies that are accomplished when formulating products such as Vulcan Serum o Aeolian Night that are designed specifically to reduce facial blemishes, but also to balance the skin.

From this point of view, dermocosmetics has made great strides from what was grandmothers' advice, and that is why it is useful to choose creams and serums for your lightening skincare routine.