Wrinkles around the lips grandmother's remedies (reduce them naturally)

If you look in the mirror and notice some wrinkles on the lip contour, do not despair. There are many grandmother's remedies to reduce them naturally. This is a very delicate area of our face and requires special care, as well as continuous attention that helps to prevent skin aging.

In addition, when we speak or smile, we subject the area to continuous movement that, over time, leads to the appearance of the first wrinkles. Fear not, however, because the famous grandmother's remedies, handed down from generation to generation, offer natural and effective solutions to reduce the appearance of wrinkles that mark the lip contour.

Let's find out together which natural, simple and easily available ingredients can prove to be your perfect allies in the fight against time, helping you maintain youthful, glowing skin without resorting to more invasive treatments.

See also the guide to the best lip contour cream bar code.

Grandma's remedies for lip contour wrinkles

Aging is a natural process that brings with it several changes in your physical appearance. One of the areas most affected are the lips, where the dreaded lip contour wrinkles (o lip barcode).

These small vertical lines can make your lips look less defined and undoubtedly contribute to your always tired and unrested expression. Fortunately, however, there are effective grandmother's remedies to smooth out these wrinkles naturally, without resorting to more invasive treatments such as can be filler o botox.

Our grandmothers have accumulated vast knowledge about natural remedies handed down from generation to generation, which is why using them even for soften the lip contour wrinkles could be your trump card for a younger, puncture-free appearance.

Masks, facial gymnastics e other remedies will be able to help you solve your problem, counteracting the aging of your face and helping you maintain healthy, ever-youthful skin.

Natural masks

The first thing your grandmother would advise you to use are the natural masks which, in truth, are also useful for the whole rest of the face and not just the lip contour area.

Using natural masks for facial skin care offers you numerous benefits. These are masks composed of ingredients free of harmful substances, which our skin recognizes and absorbs.

By choosing those best suited for your skin, you can nourish it with vitamins, antioxidants, and other principles that work synergistically to nourish and regenerate the skin.

We are talking, for example, about honey and essential oils as well as fruits. Ingredients that are good for health and help to Deeply moisturize, reduce inflammation e promote collagen production. All of this is essential to keep the skin supple and youthful.

Only skin that is well moisturized and treated with care and specific ingredients is able to regain its healthy appearance without obvious signs of aging.

Use natural masks on the face can also turn into a relaxing ritual that helps you reduce stress. The combination of fresh ingredients and time spent taking care of yourself can have a positive impact on both skin and mind, improving mood and quality of life.

The first natural mask we recommend needs ingredients that you can most likely find right in your pantry.

It is about the natural honey and coconut oil mask, which requires one teaspoon of each ingredient. Mix the honey and coconut oil until you have a smooth paste, apply the mixture to the lip contour and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and you're done.

This mask will deeply moisturize the area, working especially on the expression lines that go into the lip contour.

A viable alternative is the cucumber and yogurt face mask. Blend cucumber slices until pureed and mix with yogurt. Apply the mixture to the lip contour and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Cucumber is a popular ingredient in face and lip masks precisely because it has many beneficial properties for the skin.

Due to its high water content, cucumber provides a'intense hydration to the skin, helping to keep it soft and supple. Moisturization is key to preventing and reducing the appearance of wrinkles, especially around the lips, where the skin tends to be more delicate.

Also known are his natural astringent properties that help to tone the skin And to reduce the appearance of pores. This can contribute to smoother, tighter skin, improving the appearance of the lip contour and the entire face.

Also the banana and honey mask is a simple but very effective natural treatment for the lip contour. Bananas are rich in potassium and natural humectants, which help moisturize and maintain skin moisture. This is especially important for the lip contour, where skin tends to dry out easily.

Honey, on the other hand, attracts and retains moisture. It helps to maintain the soft and moisturized lip contour skin, preventing dryness and cracking.

This ingredient is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals, which are responsible for premature aging.

Facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics is an increasingly popular practice that consists of. Targeted exercises to strengthen facial muscles, improve skin tone e reduce the signs of aging.

In particular, the facial gymnastics for lip contouring helps you prevent and reduce wrinkles around the mouth, while also improving skin tone and appearance.

Facial exercises help to tone the muscles around the mouth, making the skin firmer and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Over time, this can lead to a more defined lip contour with much less noticeable wrinkles.

Like any other form of exercise, facial gymnastics. stimulates blood circulation, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin to achieve a brighter and healthier complexion.

Let's find out together some of the exercises you could do on a daily basis so that you get the desired results. This is because, both when it comes to exercise and when it comes to creams, consistency is essential.

The first is theresisted smile exercise: Smile as much as possible with your lips closed. Place your fingers at the corners of your mouth and apply gentle resistance. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then relax.

There is also thewhistle exercise: form an "O" with your lips as if you were about to whistle. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Release and relax the lips.

You can also carry out thecheek swelling exercise: inflate the cheeks with air and close the lips. Keep the air inside for 10 seconds. Move the air from one cheek to the other without opening your mouth.

Repeat these exercises 10 times each and don't forget to include them in your daily beauty routine.

Other grandmother's remedies

In addition to natural masks and facial exercise, there are many other grandmotherly remedies that can help keep the lip contour young and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

These methods are based on the use of simple ingredients, often already in the home, that take advantage of natural properties to improve skin health.

We start with the natural oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil, are particularly effective in moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Apply a few drops of extra virgin olive oil to the lip contour before going to bed-it helps keep your skin soft and moisturized.

Coconut oil, rich in essential fatty acids, not only moisturizes but also protects the skin from external agents. Sweet almond oil is light and easily absorbed, rich in vitamin E, which helps regenerate the skin and fight free radicals.

La chamomile, on the other hand, is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare an infusion of chamomile and use it as a compress on the lip contour. Simply dip a cotton ball in the infusion and apply it to the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes. This treatment is especially useful if you have sensitive skin.

Also thealoe vera is a natural ingredient that should never be missing in your skin care routine. Thanks to its moisturizing, regenerating and soothing properties, it helps you have firmer, younger-looking skin. You can apply fresh aloe vera gel to your lip contour, so you can keep your skin hydrated and reduce fine lines. Aloe vera gel is easily absorbed and can be left on overnight for intensive treatment.

Best natural creams for lip contour wrinkles

When it comes to treating wrinkles around the lip contour, the natural creams are one of the best choices you can make to combat the signs of aging without the use of harsh chemicals.

These creams have formulations rich in specially selected natural and nourishing ingredients that not only aim to reduce existing wrinkles but also to prevent their future appearance, keeping the skin healthy and radiant.

Always remember that the lip contour is a particularly dry area, as the skin is thin and lacks sebaceous glands. Therefore, an effective cream must provide a'deep and lasting hydration To keep the skin soft and supple.

In particular, these creams should be rich in antioxidants, which are are are essential to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, the main cause of skin aging.

Given its proximity to the mouth, a lip contour cream should have a light texture that absorbs quickly. This allows for easy application and the ability to use it as a makeup base as well.

Among the best natural creams for lip contour wrinkles we point out to you Panarea Awakening e Aeolian Night. The two creams are also perfect for creating your own day and night skincare routine, so they give you everything you need for a 'anti-aging action but also moisturizing and revitalizing.

Panarea Awakening is your daytime face cream for fine and deep wrinkles. Designed for the whole face, it can be applied without problems on the lip contour area precisely because it is rich in natural ingredients that go a long way toward improving its appearance.

Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream

It is a light emulsion which absorbs easily and is also perfect as a makeup base. Inside you will find volcanic water, argan oil, vitamin E and double molecular weight hyaluronic acid. In addition, you will enjoy all the benefits of prickly pear oil.

For an anti-wrinkle effect, however, you can take advantage of the properties of the new seaweed-based active BlueRevelation 50+™, also perfect for the needs of more mature and tone-deaf skin.

Complete the routine the cream Aeolian Night which, on the other hand, has a richer texture and is perfect for acting overnight. This is a plumping anti-aging face cream with a tightening effect, ideal for all skin types and especially those marked by early wrinkles.

Aeolian Night

The presence of argirelox makes it a botox-like cream, that is, a cream that goes to mimic the effect of botox but without the need for shots at the cosmetic surgeon.

Inside you'll also find all the benefits of hyaluronic acid, which helps plump the skin and make it look younger and more elastic.

When to start dealing with lip barcode wrinkles

Starting to take care of wrinkles around the lips, often called barcode wrinkles, can make a big difference in the appearance and long-term health of the skin.

For this reason, it is never too early to do so, and most importantly, starting at a young age will also take advantage of thepreventive effect.

It is advisable to start Taking care of the lip contour as early as 25-30 years old. Although deep wrinkles may not yet be visible at this age, the skin begins to lose collagen and elastin, which are crucial to keeping the skin supple and firm.

If you notice early signs of aging such as fine lines or a decrease in fullness around the lips, it is time to start a more targeted care routine.

In this way, you will be able to prevent the appearance of wrinkles or, at any rate, you will be able to remedy the situation immediately, achieving very attractive results without the need to go to the surgeon.