Best 50+ facial sunscreen (stain-resistant and safe)

With warm weather finally just around the corner comes the desire to spend days outdoors, at the beach or in the mountains. At this time of year the facial skin protection, which is particularly delicate, is crucial. One needs a facial sunscreen 50+ To avoid damage caused by UV rays, such as stains, wrinkles e premature aging Of the skin.

Choose a Specific sunscreen for the face with a high SPF allows for the necessary protection and, most importantly, a'anti-stain action. Be careful, however, to choose carefully the product to be used, which must also be safe for such a delicate area as the face. Here, then, it becomes essential to know the characteristics of the best facial sunscreen 50+ so that you can choose the perfect one for your needs and the well-being of your skin.

Characteristics of a facial sunscreen 50

The choice of the facial sunscreen is very important and must be done consciously, because the skin health must always be the center of attention.

Among the characteristics of a facial sunscreen it is necessary to evaluate in the first place, SPF e UVA and UVB protection. The sun protection factor (SPF) is the first one to consider when choosing a sunscreen product in general and for the face in particular.

To have effective protection against UV rays, it is advisable to use a product with a SPF of at least 50+. Having such high protection protects the skin of the face, which is the first victim of premature aging and sun damage.

Likewise, one must also ensure that the sunscreen provides a protection from UVA and UVB rays. This is something that should not be underestimated in any way, because the damage caused is different but in any case to be avoided. I UVB rays are the cause of the most classic of sunburns that every year make us think during our first exposures to the sun. When sunburns affect the facial area, which is itself very delicate, they can cause some sunspots. I UVA rays are, on the other hand, the responsible for premature aging of the skin.

Another feature to consider when evaluating a facial sunscreen is the textures. Just as when choosing the facial care products For solar this is also a very important aspect.

Sunscreen for the face should be light and non-sticky so as not to clog pores and affect the absorption of makeup. This is because, it should be remembered, sunscreen should be applied even in the city, during daily sun exposure. The creams that are to be applied to the face must have a precise texture, which therefore does not go to interfere with other products. In addition, sunscreens must be easy to apply and, therefore, to fast absorption.

Also pay attention to the sunscreen composition. It should be assessed that it was made only with safe ingredients and that they do not go to cause irritation or allergies on the skin.

The delicate area does, in fact, require an extra watchful eye. Finally, a feature not to be underestimated is the resistance to water and sweat. This is a very important aspect, to be taken into consideration for both beach and city applications as even sweat can deteriorate the protection of the applied cream.

How to choose the best 50 face cream

The choice of 50 face cream is most important. First, in light of what are the main features to consider, it is important to evaluate the skin type. This does not only apply to creams and facial serums, but also for sunscreen. Therefore, those who are looking for a sunscreen for oily skin Should keep some tips in mind.

You should opt for effective protection without increasing sebum production or causing pore clogging. The light textures Are, therefore, the best in this respect. The easily absorbed creams are the most suitable because they do not leave an oily residue on already oily skin. Therefore, it is also good to look for some oil free formulas, specially formulated for this skin type.

Those who are looking for a sunscreen for dry skin should, instead, choose a more moisturizing formula. In this case, ingredients such as hyaluronan e natural oils are perfect for the specific need. Dry skin, in fact, should be treated with products with high moisturizing power, as they are more prone to sunburn and irritation.

There are, then, some sunscreens for every skin type which are a real wild card and are perfect for every need. This type of product can be used by those with different skin types and brings with it the hoped-for benefits.

As mentioned, sunscreen should also be chosen according to the textures. What is important here is that the product is at fast absorption. In this case it is also a matter of convenience. Sunscreen is often applied at the beach, when it is windy, sand flying: having the assurance of a product that absorbs in a few moments is a indispensable advantage.

Light of Saline: the SPF50+ anti-stain fluid.

Attention to sunscreen should always be very high, and that is why the choice of products, whether to be used at the beach, in the city, when exercising outdoors, should only include quality products. Panarea Water created Light of Salina, a stain-resistant fluid with SPF 50+. It is a true marvel, protecting the skin of the face from the aggression of the UV rays, from the stains and from thepremature aging.

SPF 50+ Anti-Ageing Sunscreen Face Fluid - Luce di Salina

Within it we find. volcanic thermal water and a selection of powerful antioxidants that allow safe and protected exposure to the sun's rays. All of the serum's ingredients are exclusively natural or vegetable and is a very important aspect in the pursuit of a safe high protection face cream.

Saline light can also be used on the fair and delicate skin, precisely because of its formulation and high protective factor. Among the ingredients that make up the serum are theargan oil, which has nourishing power for the skin, the plant stem cells which are engaged in the processes of cell regeneration, thehyaluronan, which restores firmness and plumpness to facial skin even when it is parched.

The texture is pleasant and at fast absorption and that is why the serum can also be used under makeup without interfering with it in any way.

How to apply face cream

La sunscreen should be applied like any other product that has this consistency and is intended for the area. For apply face cream, including sunscreen, it is good to cleanse the area thoroughly. This is a step that facilitates the'absorption of the product, which must be perfect, precisely to ensure maximum protection.

Another piece of advice to follow is to apply a sufficient amount of sunscreen to cover the entire face without forgetting the neck as well. In general, we recommend applying an amount equal to a 2-euro coin on the face and an equivalent amount on the neck and décolleté. Remember that the neck and décolleté area should be protected with the same product, especially when using a solar stain-resistant Like the one we presented.

L'application of sunscreen must be uniform. That is, it must affect the entire face, including the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. More sensitive areas, such as the ears and neck, should also be covered. The cream should be massaged in circular motions and gentle that allow it to be better absorbed and provide even coverage.

These are a few simple tips, but they should always be remembered. Likewise, it should be remembered that the Sunscreen should be reapplied every 2 hours. This suggestion applies especially to the face and you should also do this when bathing or when sweating.