Best facial moisturizer for dry skin (choice guide)

La best face moisturizer for dry skin helps prevent injuries e redness Deeply nourishing the skin. As the cold season approaches, many people, women especially, begin to suffer from the problems associated with dry skin.

As we will see in a moment, there are many underlying causes of this annoying but solvable problem.

It is important to take care of the skin, especially that of the face, which is the most exposed to the aggression of external agents and also the most visible.

La skin dryness, if not treated in time, can cause more or less severe irritation and promote the appearance of wrinkles: dry skin, in fact, is less elastic and is more prone to the formation of furrows of different depths.

In this guide we will find out what products are best for moisturizing the face and what habits should be adopted to decrease dryness of the epidermis.

The causes of dry facial skin

Often at the root of dry skin there is no single cause, but several factors that can contribute to a dry, cracked face.

While it is true that there are some skins that are more prone to the phenomenon, it is also true that, in principle, everyone can encounter this problem, which occurs more frequently in the winter season.

The reason is simple: in winter, the face is more prone to the temperature changes that occur when moving from heated indoor environments to particularly cold outdoor environments. Also the wind has a major impact on the skin, contributing to dry and reddened skin.

best cream for very dry skin

Le best face creams for dry skin help to combat these annoyances but, as we will see better later, there are also good habits to adopt to counteract the phenomenon.

Other underlying causes of dryness are in fact the dehydration, often related to poor nutrition, as well as deficiency of certain vitamins and nutrients that are essential for maintaining proper skin health.

Also the use of particularly aggressive products, as well as the hiring of some drugs, can exacerbate skin dryness and irritability.

How to choose a face cream for dry skin

There is no best cream for dry skin in an absolute sense, but you can choose from products that are particularly effective in certain situations.

In any case, it is a good idea to always opt for creams with a natural base, that is, without aggressive chemical elements. Dry skin, in fact, is the most sensitive of all skin types, and is particularly prone to injury and redness.

Therefore, it is necessary to opt for natural products very mild, with high moisturizing power and, preferably, that also have a soothing action.

It is also recommended to choose the cream to use according to the season. In summer, moisturizing ones that also work as a sunscreen: ultraviolet rays, in fact, can worsen dryness.

In winter this is not necessary: better to choose a cream with high nutritive power, which creates a film on the skin to protect it from wind and weather changes.

Our facial moisturizers for dry skin (natural)

Acqua di Panarea offers two solutions for those with dry facial skin. Two products, however, mind you, are not mutually exclusive, but should both be integrated into one's beauty routine.

The first is the Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream. As the name suggests, this is a day cream that should be applied in the morning, on clean skin, in circular motions until fully absorbed.

Panarea Awakening: anti-wrinkle face cream

This cream has a high moisturizing power given by the presence within it of two types of Hyaluronic Acid, high and low molecular weight. With regular application of the product, the skin will be not only more moisturized but also more nourished.

Among the ingredients are extracts of Cylindrotheca Fusiformis and Nannochloropsis Oceanica, characterized by a high concentration of monounsaturated (Omega 9) and polyunsaturated (Omega 3 - Omega 6) fatty acids and natural sterols. These natural elements nourish the epidermis and help protect it, while performing a'antioxidant action.

Panarea Awakening also works as an anti-wrinkle cream, diminishing the presence of both thin and deep furrows. It achieves this thanks to theBlueRevelation 50+™ Seaweed, an algae mix that helps restore tone and elasticity.

In the evening, on the other hand, before going to bed, the Aeolian Night Remover Cream until fully absorbed. To make the most of its effects, you can also spread a thin layer and leave it on overnight.

Aeolian Night: plumping face cream for mature skin

This emulsion is based on Thermal Volcanic Water enriched with Amino Acids and Lipoic Acid. It allows to soften and relax the skin, eliminating the stress that, especially in case of dryness, leads to the appearance of more or less deep furrows.

Notte Eoliana also contains Argirelox, an active ingredient whose botox-like effect helps prevent wrinkles. The result is a product with pronounced anti-aging power, which relaxes and tones the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it: it contains no shortage of significant amounts of Hyaluronic Acid.

Why choose natural products for facial care

Whatever face cream you choose, always make sure it is a natural product.

This becomes especially important when it comes to the care of the face, which, among the parts of our body, is one of the most sensitive.

There are several reasons that should push you toward buying an organic product. Among them:

  • Absence of chemical components such as parabens, silicones, petrolatum: Unfortunately, they are found in abundant amounts in so many personal care products (shampoos, bubble baths, cosmetics). These are substances that can damage the skin, especially if it already suffers from dryness.
  • Reduced risk of allergies: It happens very often that one's skin has little tolerance for chemicals. With the best face moisturizer for dry organic skin, the risk is extremely lower. One just has to be careful about any allergies to one or more of the plant elements in the lotion (these are very rare conditions, however).
  • Greater nutritional effect: the natural substances in them provide the skin with higher amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as elements such as proteins (elastin and collagen) that are essential for skin health.
  • Minor occlusive effect: Using an organic and a chemical-based cream is not the same for our skin. Chemical products tend to create a thick layer on the skin that does not let the pores breathe. This causes dryness, redness and irritation. Natural creams, as well as organic cosmetics, on the other hand, are breathable.
  • Lower environmental impact: natural products have significantly less environmental impact, both in terms of production and especially in terms of disposal. They do not release hazardous elements into the environment, as is the case with chemical compounds that can cause considerable damage, especially to groundwater.

Good habits against dry skin

It is possible to adopt some good habits that help decrease problems related to dry skin.

Dry skin is, in essence, dehydrated skin. That is why the amount of water ingested daily should be reviewed before any other solution. Experts recommend at least two liters a day, but the need may vary according to season, coverage and lifestyle.

Staying at the table, nutrition also plays a crucial role in combating dry skin. There are some foods that are a real boon for the skin. Such is the case with certain types of fruit e vegetable, such as spinach, tomatoes and kiwis, which are rich in vitamins A, C and E and help keep the skin toned and moisturized.

The same goes for dishes rich in fatty acids. Omega 3 e Omega 6, which are found in fish as well as in nuts and legumes. Fried dishes and, in general, those that are difficult to digest should be avoided instead. Salt consumption, which tends to promote dehydration, should be limited.

To combat dryness, it is then essential to take facial skin care.

This does not only mean choosing the best face cream for dry skin, but also avoid all those products, especially cosmetics, that can irritate the skin and promote the appearance of irritation and redness.

It is also essential to use good facial cleansing products. In fact, any lotion should be applied only to properly cleansed skin, freed from all pollutants that tend to settle on it.

Finally, it is best to avoid particularly dry environments. Where possible, it is recommended to opt for the use for a room humidifier. This small appliance humidifies the air and reduces the risks to the skin given by spending many hours indoors.


We all need to take care of our skin, but those with dry skin need to take extra care.

This skin type, in fact, tends to be more delicate and more prone to discomfort of various kinds. Fortunately, there are, as we have seen, natural products that help to significantly reduce discomfort related to dry skin.

Much, however, also depends on one's habits and lifestyle. Those with dry skin should take care to follow as much as possible the advice we have discussed in the previous paragraphs.

As marginal as it may seem, aspects such as nutrition also have a huge impact in protecting dry skin.

With a little bit of effort, maintaining proper hydration, avoiding severe temperature changes and incorporating the right products into your skin care, you can achieve extraordinary results with very little effort.

Frequently asked questions about the best face creams for dry skin

Why do you have dry skin?

There are many underlying causes of dry skin. This condition, which is also genetic, tends to worsen with age and is exacerbated by bad habits such as improper diet and insufficient hydration. Exposure to wind and severe temperature changes, as well as sunlight, also contributes to dry skin.

What to use for dry facial skin?

To combat dry facial skin, it is recommended to use creams with a high moisturizing, nourishing and soothing power. Indeed, dry skin is more prone to inflammation and injury, and the appearance of wrinkles also occurs more quickly. Proper facial cleansing is also vital, as all creams should be applied on cleansed skin free of impurities.

What are the best face creams?

The best face creams are those that care for the skin by providing it with moisturizers, such as Hyaluronic Acid, and proteins such as Elastin and Collagen, which are essential for maintaining tone and elasticity. Also excellent are those that work as protection for the sun's rays and have a plumping and reshaping effect, thus performing a welcome anti-aging function.

What vitamin is missing when you have dry skin?

Dry skin is mainly due to a Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamins of the B, C and E groups can also help keep the skin hydrated, and should be included for these either in one's diet or taken through natural supplements.