Wrinkles on the neck: causes, remedies, creams and fillers

Le wrinkles on the neck can be a cause of great embarrassment, as their location ensures that they are always visible, especially during hot times of the year.

Unlike other types of skin blemishes, the neck wrinkles do not appear only at a certain age. There is no shortage of cases of people, women especially, who begin to notice the appearance of more or less deep furrows on the neck even when they are young, sometimes even before the age of 30.

In fact, as we will see better in a moment, the causes of wrinkles on the neck not only to be found in genetic factors and related to natural aging, but also in some bad habits, first and foremost improper costure.

Therefore, to eliminate this blemish, it is also necessary to intervene in one's lifestyle, adopting solutions that will allow the skin of the neck to stay young and healthy, and better resist the appearance of wrinkles.

The causes of wrinkles on the neck

Earlier we anticipated that the underlying causes of a wrinkled neck can be many, not necessarily related to age or genetics.

However, it is undeniable that these two factors have a major impact on the problem, as is the case with many other types of wrinkles. As a rule, the number and depth of furrows that form on the neck increases after the age of 40-45.

At this age, in fact, our body decreases the production of three very important substances for the skin: thehyaluronan, l'elastin and the collagen. Hyaluronic acid, in particular, is responsible for proper skin hydration.

When the skin is lost it goes to an easier dehydration, with all the problems that come with it. Poorly hydrated skin will be less elastic and more fragile, and will tend to damage itself much faster.

A similar impact is had by the depletion of elastin and collagen: these two proteins, in fact, keep the skin elastic and firm. If they begin to become scarce, there is a breakdown of the very structure of the epidermis, with the breakdown of the collagen fibers which form its skeleton. The skin, less supported, becomes droopy and wrinkled.

Both hyaluronic acid and elastin and collagen can be replenished with some tricks that we will discuss in a moment, perhaps resorting to the use of a neck wrinkle cream that is rich in them.

However, there are other causes that need to be mentioned. One of these is theexposure to sunlight. Being caressed by sunlight is a beautiful feeling, but care must be taken, both in warmer and cooler periods.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, if sunscreens are not used, speeds up skin aging. It becomes very evident in those areas, such as precisely the neck, that are usually uncovered and therefore remain exposed for much longer, even without us noticing it. This phenomenon is called photoaging.

When it comes to neck wrinkles, however, it is the posture To have the greatest impact. Incorrect posture or repetition of wrong movements can radically accelerate the appearance of this blemish.

In recent years, another element has been added to this problem: the cell phone. Experts speak of Tech Neck, i.e., "technological neck," to refer to all those annoyances related to heavy smartphone use.

Not only neck and back pain, but also wrinkles. The action of raising and lowering the head from the screen, repeated thousands of times a day, promotes the appearance of furrows in the neck.

Creams, fillers and products to fight neck wrinkles

To eliminate neck wrinkles, we now have at our disposal a number of natural products that, by replenishing in the skin the substances that are lost with age, help it regain firmness and elasticity.

More specifically, our solutions for neck skin include two all-natural products with no side effects: the Vulcan Serum and the Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Cream.

The Vulcan Serum is an elasticizing brightening gel for the décolleté, face and neck. Its formula contains. hyaluronan different molecular weights, enriched by the presence of Sea Salt, Sulfur and Seaweed, as well as significant amounts of elastin and collagen, to ensure a shock action with visible results from the very first applications.

Vulcan serum: brightening serum for cleavage, face and neck

The aqueous vehicle is a mixture of Pure Volcanic Thermal Water and aSicilian Orange Active Water. It can reduce the visibility of wrinkles and scars and, thanks to the exfoliating power of glycolic acid, is also perfect for fighting acne.

Treatment continues the application of the Panarea Awakening Anti-Wrinkle Cream. His formula, called BlueRevelation 50+™ Seaweed, exploits mixes of marine MicroAlgae that have the effect of improving the skin texture, restoring its freshness and shine.

A light emulsion rich in Argan Oil, Vitamin E e Hyaluronic Acid, which go together to form a unique product that can make the skin of the neck firmer and more elastic.

Prevention and exercises for the neck

There are many remedies for neck wrinkles effective, but nothing has the same effect as a good prevention.

After all, even conventional wisdom reiterates that prevention is always better than cure.

But what can we do in practice to prevent wrinkles from appearing on the neck?

Since this is a sensitive area is particularly exposed, prevention revolves mainly around its protection.

From this point of view, sunscreens, or more generally all creams that have a SPF protection factor of 50.

In any case, direct exposure to the sun should be avoided: the photoaging Is one of the main causes of wrinkles on the neck and face.

We also need to act on posture, avoiding positions that put stress on the skin and, above all, repeated movements too many times.

It helps a lot to do neck exercises, a real gymnastics that takes no more than a few minutes a day, but if practiced consistently can keep the neck young longer, preserving the characteristics of elasticity and skin tone.

There are different kinds of exercises that you can do on your own, at home: one of them is theanti-wrinkle self-massage.

As the name suggests, this is a real massage that you do yourself. It consists of slow stretching movements, directed from the bottom to the top, starting from the base of the neck in the direction of the chin.

By modulating the pressure between the hand and neck, this type of massage allows the skin to relax and hinder the appearance of furrows.

A similar effect is had by a second exercise, which involves slowly rotating the head first counterclockwise and then clockwise, performing 10 repetitions, 5 in each direction.

Nutrition and bad habits

Even at the dinner table we can prevent the neck wrinkles. First of all, it is necessary to take the right amount of water, so as to keep the skin hydrated at all times.

This means not only increasing the volume of water ingested, but also opting for dishes that are abundant in it. A classic example is fruits and vegetables, in which water can account for up to three-quarters of their weight.

Fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins useful for skin health, such as vitamins C, D and E, as well as of minerals e carotenoids. Some vegetables, such as carrots and tomatoes, contain a particular substance called Lycopene, which functions as a protection against the sun's rays.

Green light also to fish and dried fruits, which are rich in Omega 3: are fatty acids that help fight dryness of the skin and prevent it from being damaged by external factors.

Vices to be abandoned, however, include the consumption of alcoholic substances and cigarettes, which have a negative impact on skin health and more.

Other treatments to combat wrinkles on the neck

There is no shortage of different treatments to counteract wrinkles on the neck, treatments that are less invasive than classic cosmetic surgery but no less effective.

One of the most popular is undoubtedly the carbon dioxide laser, a solution chosen by so many women every year. It consists of using a laser beam to abrade very small portions of the skin in the affected area so that the body is stimulated to respond by increasing the production of elastin and collagen needed to repair the lesions.

It is an extremely effective treatment that is generally painless (a local anesthetic can be applied in some cases) and has long-lasting effects.

A similar but cheaper solution is provided by the pulsed light. In this case, a light beam is used to stimulate collagen production. It is a useful treatment mainly for superficial wrinkles, while for deep furrows it has reduced efficacy compared to laser.

Finally, it is impossible not to mention the filler for neck wrinkles, another solution gaining increasing popularity. A simple, minimally invasive and reversible procedure, it involves injecting a hyaluronic acid-based filler to fill deep wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid is already produced naturally by the body, so it is reabsorbed without any side effects. However, this also means that injections need to be repeated over time, usually 8-12 months apart.


Those who wish to rid their necks of wrinkles and other blemishes have numerous solutions before them, ranging from using natural products, such as creams and serums, to actual outpatient treatments.

It should be stressed again, however, that in any case it is necessary to adopt good habits that will help prevent the appearance of this blemish.

They are small changes to one's lifestyle, requiring no sacrifice and taking no more than a few minutes a day, but in the medium and long term they can achieve results comparable to those of more expensive treatments. Prevention, in this case, is vital.

How to eliminate wrinkles on the neck?

There is no single remedy for eliminating wrinkles on the neck. There are some natural products (creams and serums) that, by incorporating substances such as hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen into the skin, can reduce the number and extent of furrows while making the skin more toned and elastic.

How to eliminate turkey neck?

Turkey neck is a blemish characterized by excessive sagging of the skin on the neck. To eliminate it, you can combine natural products with facial exercises, or opt for treatments such as laser and pulsed light.

How to rejuvenate neck and décolleté?

To rejuvenate neck and décolleté, it is necessary to pay special attention to prevention by improving one's diet and lifestyle. Proper hydration, the use of natural products and sunscreen, as well as facial gymnastics, help to significantly counteract skin aging.