Best body moisturizer for dry skin (complete guide)

Wrinkled, cracked skin, unpleasant to the touch: these are just some of the effects of skin dryness. A condition that affects so many people and tends to worsen in the presence of certain environmental factors. Thanks to the best body moisturizer for dry skin it is possible to counteract it, immediately regaining softness and elasticity.

Taking care of one's skin is not just a cosmetic whim: its task is protect the body from external agents, and it cannot succeed if it does not enjoy good health.

Dry skin is not only unpleasant to the touch and sight, but also weakened and more exposed to injuries e redness. These, if underestimated, can then result in more serious annoyances that are more difficult to send away.

If, as the well-known saying goes, prevention is better than cure, it is imperative to choose a product with moisturizing, nourishing and soothing action right from the start.

In this guide we will see what causes dry skin, habits to adopt to counteract it, and how to choose the best body cream for very dry skin.

Causes and factors of dry body skin

Skin dryness has genetic origin: Everyone is born with a particular skin type, and dry skin is one of the three main ones (the others are oily skin and combination skin).

There are, therefore, those who have a predisposition from birth. This does not detract from the fact that there are many External factors that promote the appearance of the problem Or that tend to aggravate it.

At the root of dry skin is a poor hydration. The skin, in order to defend itself, develops an outer layer composed mainly of water and sebum.

This protective film can be damaged, among other things, by the sharp changes in temperature. This is why dry skin-related discomfort occurs especially in winter, when there is a large temperature difference between outdoor and indoor environments.

Wind also contributes to the weakening of the barrier that protects the skin. The most exposed areas of the body are most at risk, such as the face. This makes it necessary to use a face cream for dry skin.

The protective layer is also challenged by poor cleansing, and more generally by the use of particularly aggressive products.

Some chemicals, such as silicones and petrolatum, can lower the skin's protections and cause redness and injury. This is also why natural products with a 100% organic composition should always be preferred.

Finally, dehydration plays a crucial role in skin dryness. It can be caused by poor nutrition, but also by spending a lot of time in environments with too low a moisture content.

Dry skin in the legs

Among the places on the body that are most likely to suffer from dry skin are the legs.

The causes that lead the skin in this area to become dehydrated and lose elasticity are the same as seen before: severe temperature changes, genetic predisposition, poor diet, particular diseases, and use of certain medications.

Added to these, however, are more specific ones.

Many people suffer from dry leg skin especially in summer or in the weeks immediately following the summer season.

best moisturizing cream dry legs

L'prolonged immersion in salt water, as well as thedirect exposure to sunlight, cause the legs not to maintain proper hydration.

Also contributing to dryer skin is the use of particularly aggressive products, both for cleansing (soaps and bubble baths) and for hair removal.

A final reason that could cause skin dryness in the lower limbs is the use of clothing of poor quality.

Some skin types, in fact, tend to redden and crack when they come into contact with certain types of fabric, especially if they are synthetic.

How to choose a body moisturizer for dry skin

Choosing a body moisturizer may not be easy: there are many products on the market, of various natures and promising different benefits.

However, there are some factors that, when taken into consideration, can lend a big hand in finding the solution that best suits one's needs and skin type.

At the time of purchase it is good to take a look at them. These are:

  • Dermatological testing: some creams, before being offered for sale, undergo tests of various kinds. These allow the efficacy of the product to be verified by analyzing the results (and also the undesirable effects) obtained on a sample of volunteers. A cream that has undergone dermatological testing is safer and more effective than one that does not enjoy any results or certification.
  • INCI: this abbreviation indicates nothing more than the complete list of ingredients inside the product. It must be listed by law: should you find a product on which the INCI is not listed, desist from buying it. The ingredients are listed in a specific order: the first to appear are those in larger quantities. By reading this list you can realize which substances are present and how abundantly. It allows you to avoid particularly aggressive compounds and to check for allergens.
  • Scenting: the main purpose of a body lotion is to moisturize the skin, allowing it to regain tone and elasticity. However, lotions also have another purpose, which is to leave a pleasant fragrance on the skin. This is especially important in the case of dry skin, which, if damaged, tends to have a fragrance that is not particularly pleasant.

Finally, it is recommended to always opt for products of natural origin, which are more effective and safer. We will discuss this in more detail in the following paragraphs.

Our natural moisturizing products for dry body skin

Our line of natural products includes two moisturizing solutions suitable for dry skin on the body.

The first is the balm Aeolian Caress, an invigorating and regenerating lotion that, among other things, also allows you to better preserve your tan.

Aeolian Caress: invigorating and regenerating body balm

It is therefore particularly suitable for the summer period, but can be used year-round: those suffering from dry skin should add it to their body care routine.

This balm, in fact, contains ben 5 types of hyaluronic acid, an element with strong moisturizing power. Their different molecular weights ensure that they are adapted to different areas of action, from the legs to the décolleté.

The base consists of. Volcanic Thermal Water, enriched with Sicilian Almond extract and Natura Tec's scientific breakthrough Revitalys HP. The nutrients present make it possible to Improve skin tone and silkiness, reducing that feeling of roughness that often accompanies dry skin.

Not only that, thanks to a mix of Micro-Algae, Carezza Eoliana also has the ability to Block the action of the P53 gene, which is responsible for aging and cell death.

Lotion should be slathered all over the body, massaging until fully absorbed. In critical areas (décolleté, breasts, arms, inner thighs and buttocks) an additional thin layer of product can be spread to work overnight.

On the other hand, to get visible results right away and reduce skin dryness, there is the Vulcan Mud Body Scrub.

Volcano Mud: body scrub with illuminating volcanic mud

Its special formula is designed to result in a product that not only allows you to exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells and impurities, but also to moisturize and nourish it.

The exfoliating action is guaranteed by the presence of three particles that differ in shape and consistency: Sicilian Salt, Rice Powder, and Bamboo Microspheres. The scrub contains Active Plant Charcoal, which pampers the skin with its soothing and balancing effect, and hyaluronic acid.

In more detail, there are significant amounts of Hyacharming, a hyaluronic acid dispersed in vegetable oil: its low molecular weight allows it to penetrate deeply and nourish the skin thoroughly, maintaining hydration longer than similar products.

Vulcan Mushroom scrub is to be used 1-2 times a week as a preparation, in the evening, massaging into moistened skin in circular motions. No cleansers should be added: the body should be rinsed after use.

Why choose natural body care products

It is always recommended to buy natural body care products. In fact, there are several benefits that an organic product offers over a traditional one.

It reduces, first of all, the risk of allergic reactions. While it is true that there are allergies to some natural extracts as well, it is also true that they are much rarer and, in general, sufferers are aware of them.

So just avoid lotions that contain that particular plant and look for a natural alternative that is free of it.

Quite different are the irritations and redness caused by contact with chemicals such as silicones and parabens. So many people's skin does not tolerate these kinds of compounds, which are virtually ubiquitous in non-natural skin products.

Only the best body cream for dry skin bio guarantees a formulation free of these substances, adapting to even the most delicate individuals.

There is also to be said that natural creams manage to nourish the skin better, providing a longer-lasting solution and solving the root problem.

In addition, do not alter the skin's protective film. In fact, many chemical products tend to create a layer on the skin that blocks its natural perspiration and, in the long run, exacerbates problems related to redness and swelling.

Buying natural products also means having care and respect for the environment. Their disposal is much less hazardous, and they do not release (unlike compounds of chemical origin) elements that can harm flora and fauna.

Good habits to keep body skin hydrated

La best body moisturizer for dry skin helps tremendously with problems related to poor skin hydration, reducing irritation and injury that this condition causes.

To maximize its effects, it is recommended that the use of the product be accompanied by a series of good habitsini which, if adopted correctly, are of great help in combating skin dryness.

If you have dry skin, we recommend:

  • Drink plenty of water: may seem trivial, but many people continue to ignore this advice. The main cause of dry skin is dehydration: often just increasing the amount of fluids introduced daily is enough to reduce the problem. Experts recommend at least two liters of water per day, an amount that can increase in particularly hot weather.
  • Avoid excessive salt consumption: salt promotes dehydration by retaining fluids and preventing tissues from hydrating properly.
  • Avoid very dry environments: indoors, especially when the heaters are turned on, the air tends to become very dry and drastically lower its humidity level. It would be better not to stay long in such rooms or, if possible, have them ventilated from time to time and use a humidifier.
  • Eating foods rich in Vitamin A: In some cases, dry skin is also caused by a Vitamin A deficiency. It is recommended, therefore, to incorporate foods in one's diet that contain good amounts of it (carrots, pumpkin, persimmons, egg yolk). Vitamin groups B, C and E also help counteract dry skin.
  • Avoid severe temperature changes: skin tends to dry out and crack if subjected to very strong temperature changes, as is often the case in winter. Direct exposure to wind should also be avoided, trying to cover the most exposed areas, such as the face.
  • Do not use harsh products: whether for cleansing or for make-up, those suffering from dry skin should definitely avoid the use of particularly aggressive products. As much as possible the immoderate use of cosmetics should be reduced, paying special attention to applying soothing and emollient products after their removal.

Frequently asked questions about the best body creams for dry skin

What to do to moisturize the skin?

Moisturizing lotions rich in elements such as Hyaluronic Acid can be used to hydrate the skin. Proper skin hydration is also ensured by good nutrition and avoiding temperature changes and environments with too low a percentage of humidity.

What to do about dry skin on the legs?

To combat dry skin in the legs, it is recommended to use a body moisturizer, avoid overly harsh cleansing, prolonged immersion in water, and wearing poor quality clothing.

What is the best cream for dry skin?

The best creams for dry body skin must perform a moisturizing and nourishing action. Lotions rich in Hyaluronic Acid are ideal.