Best night cream over 50 for a brighter face

From the age of 50, the skin undergoes major changes such as the loss of elasticity, l'increased dryness and the appearance of deeper wrinkles. These are the main signs of skin aging.

If you look in the mirror and no longer recognize your skin, or if you are over 50 and wish to regain some of your lost youth, continue reading our Tips for finding the best night cream over 50.

Use a product specially formulated for the needs of mature skin allows you to regain a fresh, bright and smooth appearance. Let's discover together How to choose the best night cream over 50 and how to apply it for maximum results.

In addition to the cream to choose from, we will also give you a number of Care and wellness tips for women over 50, including dietary suggestions that can contribute to healthier, younger-looking skin.

See also: best anti-wrinkle creams over 50 years old.

How to choose the best night cream over 50

The choice of night face cream over 50 must take into account the needs of mature skin. After all, you may have already realized on your own that at this age the skin on the face and body tends to become thinner, less elastic and more dehydrated. Therefore, a change in skincare routine which must include products suitable for these new beauty emergencies, but also for the health of the body.

The main advice, therefore, is to file away all products used in youth, to go along with the physiological change of facial skin and delay aging.

This means, therefore, choosing a cream that contains ingredients capable of Plump the skin, improve its elasticity and moisturize it in depth.

The choice to focus on a night face cream, especially for women over 50, is the right one for a number of reasons beyond simply moisturizing the skin.

During the night, the skin of the face, as well as that of our body, goes through a much more intense regeneration process than during the day, and the night cream is formulated precisely to assist and give a real boost to this process.

Going into detail, it is useful to remember that our body enters the Modes of cellular repair and regeneration right during sleep, and this allows for faster renewal. After all, during daylight hours the skin of the face (but not only) has to fight a real defense struggle against external agents such as pollution, UV rays and toxins.

At night, however, it is not exposed to these stresses and has the opportunity to focus on recovery. Using a specific night face cream helps to stimulate cell renewal, as overnight formulations are often richer in regenerating active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides or other specific ingredients.

It should also be noted that with age, the Skin's ability to retain moisture decreases. For this reason, choosing a night cream formulated for mature skin will help you restore moisture levels, helping to plump the skin.

Many night creams contain ingredients such as shea butter, ceramides and natural oils that not only deeply moisturize, but also create a Protective barrier to prevent water leakage overnight.

Not only hydration, however, because night creams formulated for women over 50 also allow them to counteract the signs of aging. After this age, in fact, wrinkles and fine lines become more prominent and deeper.

A night cream for mature skin is designed precisely to reduce these signs, stimulating the production of collagen And improving skin elasticity.

Search, then, for night face creams that have one or more of these ingredients, so you can ensure you get all the benefits you can:

  • Hyaluronic acid: One of the most effective ingredients for moisturizing and plumping the skin, making it more elastic and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Collagen: Stimulates cell regeneration and helps keep skin firm and tight.
  • Peptides: They contribute to collagen production and promote skin renewal.
  • Antioxidants: Like vitamin C and vitamin E, they protect the skin from free radicals and improve the radiance of the complexion.

Aeolian Night is an excellent example of plumping face cream for mature skin. It is one of the solutions designed specifically for women over 50 and this is because it has within it a number of ingredients rich in hyaluronic acid and natural oils.

If the role of thehyaluronan is now well known, it is also worth noting that in Aeolian Night are present vegetable oils rich in essential fatty acids, which are responsible for strengthening the skin barrier, helping to prevent trans-epidermal water loss. This means that the skin is not only hydrated upon application, but remains soft and protected throughout the night.

The ingredients in this cream also help promote the production of collagen, the protein responsible for skin firmness and structure. Over time, the skin becomes firmer and wrinkles appear less deep.

In fact, its nourishing formula helps fight the signs of aging, giving a more relaxed and radiant appearance from the very first applications.

In addition to its effectiveness, another aspect that makes Aeolian Night one of the best night face creams for mature skin is its light and silky texture. This product stands out for its ability to nourish the skin without being heavy or oily, a feature particularly appreciated by women over 50 who often have more sensitive or reactive skin.

The texture allows for quick absorption, leaving the skin soft and smooth, ready for a good night's rest. There is no greasy feeling, just an immediate comfort effect.

See also the in-depth study on: Hyaluronic acid facial serum: when to use it and which one is best.

How and when to apply night cream to maximize the result

As mentioned, applying a night cream gives you a range of results that may leave you speechless. What, however, you must always consider when you decide to include a product in your skincare routine is that it is the consistency in application To make a difference. Only in this way, in fact, can you achieve optimal results.

Going into detail, the best time to apply night cream is in the evening, because as we have seen during the night the skin regenerates faster and absorbs nutrients better. Our advice is to Apply the cream at least 30 minutes before going to bed, so that he can absorb and start working.

Also follow these tips for a correct application of night face cream. The first thing to do, before applying the cream, is. thoroughly clean the face. Be sure to remove all makeup and impurities accumulated during the day. Use a gentle cleanser suitable for your skin type.

Next you will need to apply a toner, as this helps you rebalance your skin's pH and prepares your face for cream absorption. Many people think of this as an overlooked step, when in fact it can give a real improvement to the appearance of your skin.

Use a small amount of product. It is not necessary to apply a large amount of cream. Just a small dollop of product is enough to cover the entire face and neck. At this point, start to massage the cream with circular, ascending movements, starting from the center of the face outward. In this way, you will also go to stimulate circulation and to promote better absorption of the product.

Don't forget neck and décolleté, as these areas are also prone to signs of aging. By applying night face cream over 50 regularly and with the right technique, you will achieve brighter, firmer and more hydrated skin.

These are simple tips but, we assure you, they can make a difference, and your skin will notice.

Creams and products for daytime use

If night cream is essential for the skin regeneration process, the diruna skin care routine should in no way be neglected either.

During the day, the skin is exposed to external factors such as thepollution, i UV rays, oxidative stress, which can accelerate aging. For this reason, it is essential to go to protect the skin To keep it younger. To do this, it is also important to choose the best specific products for the day.

Panarea Awakening is one of the best Anti-wrinkle face creams for fine and deep lines, which contains all the perfect ingredients for an anti-aging effect. This product is formulated to act during daylight hours to protect the skin from all external agents and visibly reduce both fine lines and deeper wrinkles.

With its formula enriched with natural and active ingredients, it helps make the smoother and tighter skin. We recommend that you use the product in the morning, immediately after cleansing your face also because it is also designed to be a perfect makeup base.

The routine we recommend is made up of simple steps that, however, can make all the difference:

  1. Cleanse your face: a morning cleanse helps remove dead skin cells and prepares the skin for day cream application.
  2. Use a cream with SPF: Even if you are indoors, UV rays can penetrate through windows. Using a sunscreen with sun protection factor will help prevent damage caused by the sun's rays.
  3. Hydration and protection: Panarea Awakening Cream hydrates and protects the skin, reducing the formation of new wrinkles and improving skin texture over time.

Care and wellness tips for over 50s

When you talks about skin care over 50, the use of specific creams and cosmetic treatments are only one piece of the puzzle. To achieve a healthy, glowing and youthful skin, it is essential to adopt a Lifestyle that supports the general well-being of the body, including skin health.

In fact, outer beauty often reflects our daily habits and therefore nutrition, hydration, exercise e sunscreen are fundamental to slow down the signs of aging and to have perfect skin even after the age of 50.

The first advice is to Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Hydration is important, and just as we need to moisturize the skin on our face, we also need to do so with our bodies. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is a good habit that applies to all ages, but it becomes most important to do so after age 50, when the skin tends to dehydrate more easily.

Water helps maintain the elastic, plumped and glowing skin, preventing dryness and the formation of fine lines. In addition, good hydration promotes proper body function, supporting cell renewal and toxin elimination.

If you find it difficult to maintain this pace, we suggest you follow a few small tips and consider these ploys. Always carry a reusable water bottle with you., so you have easy access to a sip of water at any time. Integrate into the diet water-rich foods, such as cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries and lettuce, which further help to maintain hydration.

Start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon, a simple habit that also helps boost metabolism and cleanse the body.

Exercise after the age of 50

Also theexercise is fundamental. It is not only a way to Maintaining physical fitness and cardiovascular health, but it also has important benefits for the skin.

During physical activity, blood circulation increases, which means that more oxygen and nutrients reach the skin, promoting a faster cell regeneration and giving a healthier and brighter appearance. In addition, exercise stimulates sweating, which helps eliminate toxins and keep pores clean.

Even moderate physical activity, such as a brisk walking, swimming or cycling, can make a big difference. Remember also that physical activity reduces stress levels, another factor that can negatively affect skin health. Chronic stress can lead to skin inflammation, appearance of wrinkles and dullness of the face.

Follow our suggestions and incorporate exercise into your routine. Spend at least 30 minutes a day to a physical activity you enjoy, such as yoga, Pilates or an outdoor walk. You can also try Tai Chi or Qi Gong, which combine movement and breathing, promoting both physical and mental well-being.

Sun exposure

If possible, carry out outdoor physical activities, exposing yourself to natural light (protecting your skin from the sun, of course) to also stimulate the production of vitamin D, which is essential for bone and skin health.

Also read our in-depth study: Best sunscreens 2024: which one to choose (face and body)

The sun is one of the main enemies of the skin, especially when it comes to skin aging. UV rays penetrate the skin and damage cells, accelerating the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots and loss of elasticity.

Although moderate exposure to the sun can be beneficial for vitamin D production, it is essential to protect the skin with a sunscreen with SPF Every time you expose yourself to the sun, regardless of the season.

To prevent sun damage and slow down skin aging, you will also need to reapply sunscreen every two hours when outdoors, especially if you sweat or bathe. Use wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses to further protect your face and around the eyes from direct rays.

The importance of sleep after the age of 50

Another very important aspect is the sleep. This is, in fact, one of the most underestimated but crucial elements in maintaining young, glowing skin. During night rest, the body and skin enter a phase of repair and regeneration.

Skin cells renew themselves, and damage done during the day, such as that caused by UV rays and oxidative stress, is repaired. Not getting enough sleep can accelerate skin aging, leading to increased wrinkles, dark circles and a dull complexion.

Good rest also helps to maintain stable cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which in high amounts can contribute to inflammation and skin blemishes.

We suggest, therefore, that you. create a sleep routine, trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Avoid using electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by these devices can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Keep the room dark and cool, creating an environment conducive to relaxation.

Dietary advice for over 50s

Nutrition plays a key role in skin health. The antioxidants, in particular, are molecules that counteract free radicals, which are responsible for cellular damage and the premature aging process.

Free radicals form naturally in the body, but their production can be accelerated by external factors such as pollution, smoking, and an unbalanced diet. Consume foods rich in antioxidants helps protect the skin and to promote a youthful and radiant appearance.

Do you want to know what antioxidant-rich foods you should incorporate into your daily diet?

  • Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries): these small fruits are a real mine of antioxidants and phytonutrients, which protect the skin and promote cell regeneration.
  • Nuts and seeds: nuts are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect skin from UV damage and maintains skin elasticity.
  • Spinach and green leafy vegetables: spinach is rich in vitamins A, C and E, which promote skin health and promote collagen production.
  • Carrots and orange foods: foods such as carrots and pumpkins are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage and improves skin tone.

A diet rich in these foods not only improves skin health, but also helps keep the body healthy by providing energy and supporting the immune system.