Illuminating body cream (and moisturizer): choosing the best one

When it comes to skin and body, there is a secret that every woman should know. The illuminating body cream, which also has a strong moisturizing power, is that wild card product that should never be missing from your daily routine.

If you want a bright and healthy skin, the secret lies precisely in using this type of cream, which is multifunctional and your most powerful ally in every season.

Our epidermis should always have the perfect glow to be healthy, and that means it must be well hydrated And in perfect balance.

This is advice that does not only apply during the warm season. If the summer we wish to have that glow effect that goes to enhance the tan, it is important to remember that skincare must be constant and you must do it all year round.

Dull skin looks more mature, and this is because it often has wrinkles e imperfections that make it appear less bright and groomed.

If you decide to care for your skin using body brightening products you can give it new life, but be careful to follow the tips we are about to give you that are crucial to making the right choice and buying the best cream.

See also the guide to the best face brightening creams.

What is and how to use a body brightening cream

Use a illuminating body cream means having the knowledge that you have to treat your skin the best. This product is designed to make it brighter, without neglecting the importance of a deep hydration.

If our skin is not treated with the best and most suitable products, it can appear opaque and devoid of natural light. You won't have that healthy glow typical of well-groomed skin.

The skin may appear rough e dry, with a uneven texture Which is neither pleasant to see nor to touch. This happens because it accumulates dead cells, residues of cosmetic products, smog.

La illuminating body cream is the right product to give your skin an instantly brighter and healthier appearance. This is especially true if you use some exfoliating and brightening products.

You must always remember, in fact, that the first step to the skin regeneration and for the deep skin cleansing is precisely that of theexfoliation.

Only by using the best products can you have that much-coveted silk effect That instantly makes you look more glamorous and visibly younger. Dull skin makes you look like a tired or stressed person, even if you are not.

To use a body brightening cream you should always follow the directions on the label. We usually suggest that you. apply the cream after showering And still on clean skin. This is because residues from previous products, sweat could affect the result.

Even if you choose a exfoliating and brightening product you must first cleanse your skin, and then gently massage the scrub so you can remove dead skin cells and give your skin that velvety, radiant look you want to achieve.

Illuminating creams should not be rinsed off, whereas if you prefer an illuminating scrub then you will need to wash off the product with warm water and then pat the skin dry.

The benefits of brightening and moisturizing body cream

If you are looking for the right product to use to make your skin instantly younger and brighter, you should know all the Benefits of a brightening and moisturizing body cream.

Actually, it is not only and exclusively a cosmetic factor, because your skin is asking for it. Moisturizing and removing dead skin cells are essential steps to keep it healthy and invigorated.

In your daily routine, you need targeted treatments. Your skin needs to be deeply moisturized, which is why you need to choose a product that not only illuminates but it also goes to nourish your dermis, giving it the softness and elasticity it needs.

A brightening and moisturizing body cream can give you tangible benefits that will get rid of that unsightly dry skin that makes you dull.

In fact, this type of product also acts on the skin texture Refining it and giving it the right brightness. This is an advantage not to be underestimated in order to have the best possible appearance.

In addition, exfoliation helps to reduce dark spots and skin discolorations, contributing to a more even and beautiful-looking complexion.

Many exfoliating products contain special ingredients within them that offer a immediate glow effect to the skin, making it brighter from the first application.

La glowing skin is the one perfectly exfoliated, moisturized and treated with the best natural ingredients. Only in this way will you have a healthy, rested appearance and smooth skin texture.

In order to have perfect skin, you must also remember to prevent acne and blemishes That does not only affect the face. This is another good reason to choose a cream that has as much moisturizing and brightening power as it does exfoliating power.

How to choose the best body brightening cream

Brightening body cream should not only be used after sun exposure (read our guide on best after sun cream), but throughout the year.

Healthy skin is essential, and keeping it healthy and well hydrated should constantly be your goal. On the market, there are plenty of products that promise to brighten your body and give you thatglow effect that everyone loves and that all the stars sport.

But beware of choose the best body brightening cream, beyond what are the iridescent particles that are not the only element to look for.

In fact, the products selected in this category do not always moisturize properly. When choosing, you have to go beyond aesthetics and glamour, and you have to select a illuminating body cream that is also exfoliating and moisturizing, so that two key steps in your routine are combined in one step.

As always, to choose the best body brightening cream you need to consider some factors starting from the skin type.

Whether you have a dry skin that a oily skin or, again, a sensitive skin To get the effect you want, you have to choose Moisturizing and brightening ingredients.

La illuminating body cream formulation is very important. From the ingredients in it you can tell what benefits that product will bring to your epidermis.

Look for ingredients such as thehyaluronan or the natural extracts, as these are known for their brightening and moisturizing properties.

Don't forget the exfoliation factor, as this also contributes to giving you healthy, glowing skin.

Among the best products body illuminants we point you to the Vulcan Mud, lo Panarea Water Illuminating Scrub Famous for its smoothing and moisturizing action.

Volcano Mud: body scrub with illuminating volcanic mud

This illuminating body scrub with volcanic mud It encapsulates everything you are looking for. Using the product you will notice from the very first applications a softer and smoother skin.

Its composition, after all, says it all. Within it we find. Vulcan mud, salt of Sicily e bamboo microspheres, which are the exfoliating elements.

In addition, this illuminating product has a uniquely powerful ingredient inside. It is. Hyacharming, a compound of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid Fat-soluble and dispersed in an oil.

The low molecular weight allows thehyaluronan to penetrate deeper, giving the skin the moisture it needs.

Vulcan Mud hydrates and exfoliates the skin. To achieve the desired effect, it is important to use the product 1-2 times a week Based on what your needs are.

When you have to choose your illuminating body product remember a very important tip: read the label and rely only on creams from reputable brands. This way you can be sure that you have purchased a product that is good for your needs and your skin type.

If you have the sensitive skin always remember to choose illuminating body creams that are formulated with non-aggressive ingredients. Be especially careful about the presence of perfume, which could be a strong allergen.

Always favor the natural ingredients that are the basis of perfect care for your skin.

Frequently asked questions about body brightening creams

How to use cream body illuminant?

To use the cream body illuminant properly, we remind you to read the label on the product. This will indicate how to use it. In general, if you choose a cream body illuminating scrub you should apply it to the areas you want to emphasize with a small massage to help absorption. If, on the other hand, you prefer an illuminating scrub, remember to massage the product gently in circular motions so as to promote microcirculation, and then rinse off the exfoliating particles and dead cells that will come off with warm water.

Which is the best body cream?

The best body cream is one that is able to exfoliate, moisturize and brighten the skin. A total body scrub that allows for healthy, glowing skin. Among the best body creams on the market is Vulcan Mud, an illuminating scrub that also has strong moisturizing power due to the presence of a special low molecular weight hyaluronic acid that penetrates the skin and makes it soft and nourished. Products of this kind help your epidermis and improve its appearance, giving it a natural glow.

When to use body brightening cream?

People often think that body brightening cream should only be used during the summer time, when they want to be brighter to enhance their tan. But this is not the case. Glowing skin is healthy and beautiful to look at. Tired, dull skin with an uneven texture and wrinkles is a sign of premature aging, which should be avoided especially at a young age but not only.