Flabby arms with cellulite (what to do): aesthetic remedies

Le flabby arms and the presence of cellulite can be a source of dissatisfaction for many people. If you also have this problem, you are probably looking for effective solutions.

Before we go into the details of the remedies, we will explain what are the causes of flabby arms, examining the factors that contribute to this situation. We will also discover a number of aesthetic treatments that can help you improve the appearance of your arms.

We will not limit ourselves to just these solutions, because we will also tell you about specific exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home to firming and toning the arms.

If this is your nightmare, you have come to the right place. Our guide will take you through how to deal with a problem that is increasingly common for women and men, especially as the years pass and the skin is no longer as plump as it was in youth.

See also: the best inner arm firming cream.

The causes of flabby arms

Flabby arms can have multiple causes and it is important to know them all so as to identify the best remedy as well. This is because not all problems have the same solution, and this also applies to the so-called curtain arms o bat-wing arms.

Certainly, the factor that plays the most prominent role is theskin aging That, however, is something that is inevitable. This is undoubtedly the most common cause and a process that begins as early as after the 25 years.

In the long run, especially if you don't do sports or physical activity, you will go to lose tone and elasticity. La decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, fundamental to the structure of the skin, is at the root of skin aging. This is especially noticeable in the area of the triceps muscle, as the skin here is thinner.

Aging is the first cause but not the only one. Even the weight changes are to be considered and, in particular, slimming. Although our skin is elastic, when lose a lot of weight abruptly the area tends to hollow out, creating an unsightly excess of skin that simulates just the highs of bats.

Even when you gain excessive weight you can see a worsening of the appearance of the arms. Weight gain brings with it the accumulation of fat in the triceps area. This new weight exerts a downward pressure.

Other cause of flabby arms is, without a doubt, the low physical activity. The area is delicate and requires a lot of care to remain firm and beautiful to look at. Training the triceps and arms in general is very important.

Loss of muscle tone is often linked to a sedentary lifestyle, and this can lead to reduced muscle volume, which can contribute to excess skin.

Finally, we must also report themisfeeding. This is often an underestimated aspect, yet its importance is recognized and tangible.

Both unbalanced diet and lack of hydration can affect muscle tone. The protein deficiency e omega-3 fatty acids can cause a decrease in muscle mass. If to be deficient are vitamin C e vitamnine E, however, collagen production is affected.

In addition, it is important to moisturize the skin both by drinking and with specific creams and products. Hydration is crucial both for the well-being of the body and for that of your arms (read our guide on finding the best body moisturizer for dry skin.

Aesthetic remedies for flabby arms

If you have the flabby arms you might want to know the best aesthetic remedies. You do not necessarily have to resort to surgery, especially if your situation is not tragic.

The first thing to do is to do something to prevent flabby arms. You can use specific products and do exercises so as to strengthen the area while avoiding sagging.

If on the aging process we cannot do anything, since it is something physiological, on what are the other causes of sagging skin we can act directly.

Therefore, the first advice is to avoid excessive weight loss, just as it is recommended to try not to gain too much weight.

Good habits such as eat well e drink plenty of water help keep the body in balance and improve the appearance of the arms and skin.

Of course, a very important part is played by the creams for flabby arms and with cellulite. There are, in fact, some products indicated to prevent the problem but also to combat it.

On the market we find products such as Volcanic Anticellulite MudGel by Panarea Water. This cream has a reducing and firming effect and is perfect just for this specific area, although it can be used all over the body.

Within it we find some natural actives, such as thermal water, prickly pear blade oil, thermal mud, oceanic algae. These are joined by. Caffeine, centella asiatica, menthol and carnitine serving as functional actives.

This combination of ingredients is effective in fighting cellulite, reducing and firming, which is why the product is used on the arms as well as the abdomen and thighs.

Specifically, the presence of hyaluronan and of thermal mud increases hydration and tone in the area, while the other active ingredients act on microcirculation and adipose tissue.

Thanks to products like this, the fight to bat wing arms will be much easier to win.

To achieve results, however, it is good to remember that the indicated products should be used with constancy and as indicated by the packaging. Massaging the area during application is, without a doubt, a good solution that can help the final effect.

Specific treatments for flabby arms

If the creams for flabby arms should never be lacking in your routine, it is important to know that there are also specific treatments that you can combine.

Cosmetic surgery, in these cases, should be the last solution to be considered. Next to creams, in fact, there are specific treatments designed precisely to give new life and tone to this area.

With the union of radio frequency and CO2 laser bat arms have their hours counted, as this treatment goes to combat the loss of tissue tone And the decrease in skin elasticity.

Combining the power of the latest generation CO2 laser with radiofrequency makes it possible to act decisively against the sagging skin, thus going on to restore a more toned and defined appearance to the skin.

We go to work both on the skin surface, through the laser, and in depth, taking advantage of radiofrequency, and promote the restoration of tissue tone and firmness. This means that they are strengthened flabby areas, all painlessly, quickly and without invasive intervention.

We also recommend the mesotherapy for firming arms. A treatment that is always highly appreciated, allowing Reshape areas with sagging And it is useful for tone-deaf arms.

We are talking about a Procedure involving subcutaneous infusion of antioxidants and enzymes. Very short needles are used which, therefore, do not create too much trauma to the skin.

Mesotherapy is used to tone e remodel arms, but not only that. It also serves to eliminate toxins from the body, reduce fluid retention and keep the skin younger and brighter.

Of course, when you have to choose which aesthetic treatment to go for, it is always necessary to seek advice from experts in the field.

In the event that massages and treatments, such as those we have indicated, should prove ineffective then it may be necessary to think about the cosmetic surgery.

In this case there are several interventions that can be implemented. If the skin sagging is moderate you might think about a mini brachioplasty, that is, at the arm lift.

In this case, the surgeon removes theexcess skin and fat from the arms, so as to make them thinner and more toned. It is an option for that you can consider if you want to have younger, toned arms, but you must always remember that we are talking about a surgery that involves a recovery period.

Another possible surgical solution is the liposuction which is used to remove excess fat from the arms. Often, this surgery is combined with other treatments for optimal results.

For example, in the lipofilling there is the subsequent injection of the purified fat into the arms to improve their appearance, as well as specific skin rejuvenation treatments, such as the radio frequency or the fractional laser.

Exercises for flabby arms to do at home

But flabby arms are also fought with theexercise. You won't need expensive equipment or long hours at the gym, but a little perseverance and determination to get more toned and defined arms in the comfort of your own home.

The first exercise we suggest is the push up o push-ups. This is a classic but highly effective exercise. Position yourself in a prone position, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet resting on the floor. Flex your arms to lower yourself slowly toward the floor and then push yourself upward. Repeat this exercise for several sets to give your arm muscles new strength.

Alongside this exercise we also recommend the plank with shoulder touch. To do the exercise correctly, position yourself in a plank position, with your body weight supported by your forearms and your elbows directly under your shoulders.

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Alternately touch your left shoulder with your right hand and your right shoulder with your left hand. You are going to work on both arm muscles and balance.

Get some water bottles and make some side raises, a simple exercise done with everyday objects. Hold the in each hand and raise your arms laterally until they are in line with your shoulders. In this way you work on the lateral deltoids and arms.

If you have a elastic you can train biceps BEST. Place your right foot on the center of the elastic band, gripping the ends with both hands. Flex your arms by bringing your hands toward your shoulders. This is an excellent exercise that you can do from the comfort of home when you have a few spare minutes.

To do the last exercise we recommend you will only need a sofa or a chair. Sit on the edge of the sofa with your hands at a slightly greater distance than your shoulders. Push up with your hands while keeping your feet on the floor, keeping your butt close to the edge of the couch. This exercise targets the triceps and arm muscles.

Training your arms is good for you both in terms of how they look, but it also gives you the strength you need. By following our tips you can once again have firm arms that look good.

Frequently asked questions about flabby arms

What can be done for flabby arms?

Flabby arms require a mix of healthy and proper nutrition, targeted products such as FangoGel Vulcanico from Acqua di Panarea, which also has an anti-cellulite effect, and targeted physical exercises for the area. One should aim to strengthen the muscles and improve the tone of the arms. We recommend push-ups, side raises, triceps on the couch, planks and curls with light weights. Consistency in training is essential for visible results.

How long does it take to tone the arms?

The time it takes to tone the arms varies from person to person depending on several factors, including physical fitness, the exercises one does and consistency. For sure, those who also use specific and indicated cosmetic products such as FangoGel Vulcanico by Acqua di Panarea, moisturize properly and are constant will be able to get results within a short time.

How to firm arms without surgery?

Firming the arms without surgery requires training, a healthy, balanced diet and the use of cosmetic products designed for the area and tested in the laboratory. FangoGel Vulcanico by Acqua di Panarea combines firming action with anti-cellulite action, so you can avoid the annoying tendon effect that worries so many women. To avoid going through the hands of the cosmetic surgeon, it is also necessary to have the right consistency.