Marionette wrinkles and botox: the benefits

If you look in the mirror and notice on your face the signs of the passing of time, you probably noticed those puppet wrinkles That for some time have been ploughing through your nasolabial area.

These thin, vertical lines that extend downward along the lower lip can prove to be a real worry for those who wish to appear with a young and fresh face.

Fortunately, cosmetology e aesthetic medicine have provided us with valuable allies to succeed in fight puppet wrinkles and to regain that youthfulness lost over the years.

What are they and the causes of marionette wrinkles

Often the puppet wrinkles are also called smile wrinkles, precisely because among the causes of the appearance of these lines are the movements of the mimic muscles. However, the appearance they give to the face is sad and sullen.

Specifically, these are. subtle folds that form vertically from the chin area to the lower edge of the lips. These wrinkles get their name from string puppets, as they look prioorio like those lines seen on a puppet's face when it is being maneuvered.

With theadvancing age, the skin gradually loses its elasticity, because of the Decreased production of collagen and elastin. In this way the following are to be formed wrinkles and folds, including those of the puppet.

Indeed, remember that the face is constantly subjected to theaction of gravity, which exerts a drag force on the skin downward. When the skin tissues lose their firmness and are no longer able to counteract this force effectively, and this is how the skin tends to slide downward.

Other causes of marionette wrinkles are, as mentioned, the repeated movements of facial mimic muscles. Facial movements, such as smiling, talking and laughing, can contribute to the formation of deep wrinkles because they fold and compress the skin in certain areas of the face.

With the passage of time, there is also a Loss of volume in the cheeks and chin area. This sagging goes to accentuate the appearance of wrinkles and, in particular, those that characterize this area at the side of the lips.

Also the genetic predisposition can speed up the onset of these wrinkles, but it is mainly the bad habits such as that of the smoke or excessive sun exposure without protection that deliver what we can call a coup de grace.

See also the guide with the puppet wrinkle remedies.

How botox works: benefits and risks

The Botox, or botulinum toxin, is one of the world's most popular cosmetic treatments for Reduce wrinkles and facial expression lines. Its popularity is due to its effectiveness in the smooth the skin and its related low risk of side effects.

Before deciding whether to use this toxin, it is important to understand how botox works, what its benefits are, and what potential risks are associated with it.

Although botox is still demonized by some, it is important to know how it works e what are the benefits, without neglecting the risks.

Let's start by saying that botox, it works. By temporarily blocking nerve signals causing the contraction of facial muscles responsible for the formation of wrinkles.

Botulinum toxin, when injected in small amounts, inhibits communication between nerves and muscles, Preventing them from contracting and causing skin folds. Botox then goes to relax facial muscles, so that the skin appears smoother and wrinkles less noticeable.

The advice is always to discuss with a expert in dermatology, who can point out the benefits of botox, but also the problems you face.

I risks of botox you must be known before the decision to give the injections is made. For example, remember that this substance can give you some allergic reactions. It is a rare event, but you should discuss this with your doctor before proceeding.

After a "sting," you might experience the following swelling and bruising in the affected area. Although this side effect passes in a few days, it could be a problem for your social and work life and is a detail to consider.

In addition, botox could Expand beyond the injection zone, initially causing temporary loss of facial expression and muscle weakness.

Before undergoing any botox treatment, it is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits with qualified personnel and be sure to choose a experienced and reliable professional To perform the procedure.

See also the guide to the best immediate botox effect serum.

Botox Like creams

If you are looking for a viable alternative solution to botox shots, then you have only one name to remember: botox like creams.

These are creams designed to have a similar effect to the diluted botulinum toxin that is usually injected, lowering some of the most common risks.

They promise to reduce wrinkles, smooth the skin and give a younger and fresher appearance. But how exactly do they work?

First of all, it is important to understand that these creams do not contain botulinum toxin, which is instead present in botox as we know it.

Usually these creams contain Active ingredients that work to relax facial muscles, Reduce the contractions that cause wrinkles e moisturize skin for a smoother, more youthful appearance.

As you well know, puppet wrinkles are the result of continuous movement of what we call muscles of expression which, therefore, are constantly affected throughout the day, for years and years.

Creams such as InstaBotox Thermal offer you this botox effect but without containing the toxin itself. Specifically, we are talking about a lifting filler serum which has many good actives in it and which you should include in your skincare routine.

InstaBotox Thermal Lifting Filler Serum -Panarea Water

A basic ingredient in this type of cream is thehyaluronan. We have already talked extensively about the benefits of hyaluronic acid on the skin of your face and, in particular, of the different molecular weights it should have to best penetrate inside your skin.

Hyaluronic acid can help to fill in wrinkles and fine lines, reducing the appearance of signs of aging on the skin, which is why there is no shortage of this key ingredient in InstaBotox Thermal.

Not only that. Inside the filler serum you will also find. volcanic thermal water, a'active wine water, prickly pear blade oil e oceanic algae.

These assets are also joined by the snail slime, which has a powerful anti-wrinkle action and is now in its own right a valuable ingredient in the composition of botox like creams.

But the real wildcard ingredient is theArgirelox Of InstaBotox Thermal. This ingredient is the one that is able to make a difference in smoothing out your marionette wrinkles and beyond.

It is, in fact, a cosmetic ingredient relatively new that is gaining popularity in the anti-aging and skin care industry.

Specifically, it is a combination of two peptides (acetyl hexapeptide-8 and pentapeptide-18), which have some anti-wrinkle properties as well as the ability to Reduce facial muscle contractions, similar to the mechanism of action of botox.

These peptides are referred to as relaxation and act by blocking the nerve signals that cause the muscle contractions responsible for the formation of dynamic wrinkles.

In this way you can have a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, regaining smoother and younger-looking skin.

Unlike botox, these two peptides that act in combination do not have to be injected, but are found in face creams as InstaBotox Thermal which, therefore, eliminates a number of contraindications related to facial pokes.

Other products to counteract marionette wrinkles

Counteracting marionette wrinkles, those lines that extend from the nose to the chin and can impart an aged appearance to the face, requires a multifactorial approach That goes beyond the use of botox like creams.

Let's try to understand why together. While creams containing ingredients such as Argirelox can help reduce dynamic wrinkles caused by facial muscle contractions, a complete anti-wrinkle skincare routine is essential to combat the signs of aging effectively and in the long term.

This means that it is important to keep the skin hydrated, preserving its elasticity and radiance. This goes to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

We also recommend that you include in your daily routine products such as. Sicilian Venus Serum e Aeolian Night, which act comprehensively on both moisturizing and fighting marionette wrinkles and beyond.

Venus Sicilian Serum Facial lifting serum intensive filler effect

In particular, Sicilian Venus Serum is a lifting serum intensive filler effect to be used both on mature skin and beyond. Its combination of ingredients and active ingredients allows both prevent wrinkles than to combat those already present on the face and particularly those in the naso-labial area.

Elastin e collagen combine with the effectiveness of theArgirelox and all the natural extracts that are contained within the serum, for complete anti-wrinkle action.

Aeolian Night, on the other hand, is a night cream which has a plumping effect And a richer texture. Inside you will find. Argirelox and hyaluronic acid, two ingredients that form a very powerful combo against frown lines and more.

Aeolian Night: plumping face cream for mature skin

The nighttime action, moreover, is perfect since this cream has a strong restructuring power. At night our skin regenerates naturally, and that's why, by combining specific actives, you can get most noticeable effects.