How to tan legs fast (creams and tricks)

Is summer approaching? Fear not, for we are here to reveal to you the secret you so much seek: How to tan your legs fast. We have already revealed to you the best sunscreens to choose from if you want a perfect tan, but if you're short on time and don't want or can't expose yourself to the sun's rays, there are tricks and creams that can help.

After all, summer is the time of the bare legs, of dresses and skirts, and that is why every woman dreams of having the right tan, golden and glowing. La tanned skin immediately looks more radiant and smooth, and that is why the goal you need to achieve is just that.

But have you ever wondered. Why legs tan less quickly compared to other areas of the body? Although this may seem like a real mystery, there are scientific explanations for why the legs tan less quickly. Understanding the mechanism can help you change your sunbathing habits and enable you to learn about alternative solutions to achieve a 'more even and faster tan.

See also the section with our tanners.

How to tan your legs fast

When we talk about a tan, we immediately imagine more attractive and silky skin, from the golden color that everyone likes. Yet, as mentioned, legs always have a bit of a hard time getting a tan, which is why it's helpful to know a few little secrets to tanning them faster.

The first secret we want to tell you that will help you in this endeavor is to exfoliate the skin. At the base of a'perfect leg tan there is always skin that is well exfoliated and prepared for sun exposure or, why not, the self-tanning products.

For this reason, before exposing yourself to the sun, it is important to go to remove dead cells, so that the UV rays To penetrate the skin more easily. The result? A faster and more even tan.

You can use one gentle scrub to exfoliate the legs, paying special attention to the rougher areas such as the knees and ankles. This is a first step that is always essential, as only with clean skin can a quick tan be achieved, and this is especially true for this specific area of the body. This will not only make the skin smoother but also ensure that the tan develops evenly.

Remember that after exfoliation, it is important to move on to thehydration. This is also a step not to be underestimated and we recommend that you apply a very good moisturizer. La moisturized skin tans more easily and keeps the color longer. For maximize the effect, read our guide on the best body moisturizer.

These are two little secrets to always use when you want to speed up the tanning process. When it comes to legs, then, they become even more important as the skin becomes even more receptive than usual.

Tips and tricks for beautifying the legs

Continuing with the tricks for tanning legs, we recommend that you. never forget sunscreen. Our suggestion is to evaluate, among a range of products on the market, the best solar with adequate sun protection factor and capable of protecting against both UVA and UVB rays.

Applying a sunscreen is very important when getting a tan because it prevents sunburn, protects the skin from harmful rays, and prevents sunburn, ensuring that the tan is safe and long-lasting. Also remember to reapply the product regularly, especially after bathing or if you sweat.

As mentioned above, always remember to exfoliate the skin and to keep it clean before applying sunscreen products, as this is the only way you can be sure that they will penetrate and have their effect. In addition, a smooth and tanned skin is more beautiful to look at and when summer comes this is a real must.

Also thegradual exposure to the sun Is advice we feel like giving you. We suggest that you approach tanning with moderate sun exposures. This is especially true if you have a fair skin or delicate. If you gradually increase the exposure time, you will allow your skin to get used to it and tan without burning.

Also, remember to change position often, moving your legs while sunbathing. In this way you will be able to get a 'even tan. Do not keep your legs crossed or in positions that can create shaded areas. The risk is to get a patchy effect, which you should avoid.

Another trick we want to share with you concerns the moment you stop sunbathing. On your way home, immediately after showering, you should moisturize the skin with a soothing gel or a moisturizer, to refresh and moisturize the skin. You will also go to prolong the tan, promoting theleg hydration.

The latter must also be accompanied by a'internal hydration. What does it mean? That you should Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily. This keeps your body healthy and in balance and helps you have a most beautiful skin, toned, hydrated and thus also a better tan.

Finally, the last piece of advice is to avoid the hottest hours For sun exposure. Between 12 noon and 4 p.m., it is best to stay at home or seek shady areas.

Why legs don't tan (sometimes)

At this point, however, it is time to answer one of the most popular questions of all: why the legs don't tan as easily as other parts of the body.

The first thing to say is that this is often not just a perception you have, but there are several reasons why legs seem to tan less easily than other parts of the body.

The phenomenon can be attributed to some factors related to the skin biology, but also to the sun exposure habits. In addition, in all of this it is also important to make reference to the skin care, which can improve the situation.

The skin's ability to tan depends on the melanocytes, which are nothing more than the cells responsible for melanin production, the pigment that gives skin its color and protects it from UV damage.

La melanocyte density can vary between areas and is not uniform throughout the body. This means, for example, that the legs have fewer melanocytes than other areas, such as the face or chest.

The lower density, therefore, makes tanning of the legs slower and less noticeable. Another factor to consider is the skin thickness. The legs have a thicker skin layer and less fat compared with other areas.

And it is this thickness that can somewhat affect the speed of the tan, which may require longer exposure times to achieve the same level of pigmentation that can be achieved in other parts of the body.

It should also be remembered that nutrition, hydration and general health can have an impact on the skin's ability to tan.

For this reason, we recommend that you follow a Diet rich in antioxidants and carotenoids, which can improve skin health and its responsiveness to tanning. Similarly, thewater we drink can keep the skin hydrated and more likely to tan.

For improve the tan of the legs, we advise you to exfoliate your skin regularly, maintain adequate hydration, use sunscreen and opt for gradual and safe sun exposure. But that's not all: the use of self-tanning products can facilitate this process and maximize safety.

You can tan your legs without sun

We know that, at this point, you are probably wondering: can you tan your legs without sun? The answer is yes, but it is useful to make some clarifications.

Getting a tan without the direct aid of the sun is very useful, especially when it comes to legs and areas that tan hardly and unevenly. Thanks to advances in cosmetics industry, you can also achieve a natural tan by Without exposing themselves to the sun's rays. This tip allows you to Achieve a golden complexion all year round.

We can tell you that the self-tanners are the most immediate solution to Tanning legs without sun. There are products with different textures such as sprays, oils, creams and so on. What they have in common is the presence of dihydroxyacetone (DHA).

The effect of these products can last from a few days to a week, depending on the skin's regeneration cycle. It goes without saying that it is important to exfoliate the legs before use and moisturize them well. We recommend that you focus especially on the dry areas As knees and on the ankles.

Another small tip for tanning your legs without sun is to take care of nutrition, as this plays a key role in our skin's ability to tan. As suggested earlier, we recommend that you introduce into your diet foods rich in beta-carotene, such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach, which can help give the skin a golden glow.

Self-tanning creams for legs.

When it comes to self-tanning creams for legs it is always helpful to make a brief preamble so that the full potential of these types of products can be grasped.

Let's start by saying that this type of cream represents a cosmetic innovation, designed to provide a natural and even tan without the need for exposure to the sun's rays. This goes to limit what are potentially harmful effects on the skin, such as thepremature aging o dermatological problems.

In most cases, these are products that are formulated with active ingredients, such as DHA, that go to react with amino acids found in the most superficial layer of the skin, thus generating a tanned appearance.

Because of its characteristics, we can define this process as completely safe and temporary. Self-tanning creams make it possible to have a Natural complexion that can last for several days, avoiding direct exposure to the sun. For the legs, this is a real boon.

However, it is also good to remember that not all self-tanning creams for legs are the same and that research has led to the creation of innovative formulas, but there are also some to stay away from.

The best formulas are those Enriched with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, which also go a long way toward visibly improving the appearance of the skin. In addition, it is always important to choose creams formulated in such a way as to ensure an even and spotless tan.

The skin should appear soft, moisturized, and glowing, as this is the only way to achieve the tan you desire without obvious damage.

Sicilian Sun 365 is one of the best products in this respect. If your goal is to have a perfect leg tan, but not only that, all year round, then this self tanner is the one for you.

Sicilian Sun 365 (Self Tanner) - Panarea Water

It is, specifically, a anti-aging self tanner which is much loved by women and men for its characteristics. Indeed, inside it we find a number of ingredients that make it the most suitable product for a golden, even complexion without the need for sun exposure.

This self-tanning emulsion is perfect for both body and face, and is characterized by its milky texture and easy to spread without leaving stains Or create darker areas for product buildup.

Within Sicilian Sun 365 we find DHA, which allows for a natural and gradual complexion, but also a mix of noble oils, with thermal water of volcanic origin and oceanic algae.

The product will easily absorbs and leaves a shimmering effect on the skin. When it comes to legs, these details can make all the difference.

See also the guide to the best self tanner.

How to get a tan without getting burned

When people think of tanning, they often associate the idea of beauty. However, your desire to have golden skin should never compromise the health of your skin.

Getting a tan without getting burned is possible, but it is necessary to follow some valuable advice that protect the skin from damage caused by the sun's rays, without sacrificing a natural, even complexion.

Tanning is often associated with the idea of beauty and well-being, but the desire to achieve golden skin should never compromise skin health. Getting a tan without getting burned is possible by following some valuable tips that protect your skin from UV damage while ensuring a natural, even complexion. This guide will show you how to enjoy the sun safely, without the risk of sunburn.

The key to asafe tanning is undoubtedly the knowledge of one's skin type. If you have a fair skin, which gets burned very easily, it is necessary to think about a greater protection. Le dark skins, on the other hand, tan more easily, although this does not mean that you can not use protection.

Identifying your phototype helps you figure out how much time you can spend in the sun without risk and what sun protection factor (SPF) to use.

In order not to get burned, however, we also recommend that you. Do not expose yourself to the sun during the hottest hours. The sun is most intense between 10 am and 4 pm, and it is much easier to get sunburned during these hours. We recommend, therefore, that you limit your sun exposure during this time interval, preferring the early morning or late afternoon hours. In this way you will go to reduce the risk of sunburn, making the experience more pleasant because of the less oppressive heat.

We also suggest that you. expose yourself to the sun gradually. Starts with short periods of exposure, gradually increasing them over the following days. In this way, the skin has a chance to adapt to the sun, producing melanin effectively.

When you are at the beach or, for that matter, sunbathing outdoors, also remember to wear protective clothing so you don't get burned. You may choose wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses with UV protection, and light but opaque clothing. Also, spending time in the shade or using an umbrella will not only give you a break from the heat but reduce your exposure to the sun's rays.

Always keep your skin moisturized, because you will also avoid sunburn in this way. During sun exposure, drink often of water and uses of the moisturizing products as an after-sun lotion. Using soothing ingredients will help alleviate any redness and keep your tan longer.